Friday, December 20, 2019

My Word for 2020: Connect

I have been thinking for a while now, about what I wanted my word to be for 2020.

I had a hard time deciding until I came across the perfect word in a post someone had written.

So, my word for next year is CONNECT.

I have a hard time talking to people a lot of the time, as I am very shy, even with friends and family. And I want to work on that.

I want to have better connections/relationships with my friends (and family), and make new friendships that I can have amazing connections with.

Over the summer, I went on a retreat, and was able to make a few friends, so I would love to be able to strengthen our connections/friendships, and to be able to be there for them as much as I am able. Right away, I felt like I could talk to them if I need to talk, and they would be there for me.

Basically, I felt an instant connection with them, that I want to develop more in the future.

I want to open up more, and not worry about being judged, or made fun of. I don't want to feel awkward all the time. I want to have as little worries as possible in life, to be open to talking to more people more often, to have more friends, to make more amazing memories.

I want to have that human connection.

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