Wednesday, October 31, 2018


I am linking up with 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes this year.

Today's Free Write is: Close

The doors we
Open and close
Each day
Decide the
Lives we live.
--Flora Whittemore

There will always be
Doors that close
When that chapter in life
Is over
But there will always be
Another door that opens
You just have to be open
To endings and new beginnings
To let closed doors stay closed
It is the past
And has been a learning opportunity
A life experience
A beautiful memory
Closed doors are just a part of life
And they help you grow
To make your own decisions
To help you live your best life
Closures can help you move on
From the bad
The sad
And move on
To the good
The happy
The beautiful
They help you figure out
Who you are in life
And lead you to
Where you need to be

Things That Made Me Happy in October

Here's what made me happy this month:
  • Finishing my internship (although, this also makes me feel kind of sad as well, because I loved interning at the bakery. I am really going to miss it there :(  )
  • The owner of the bakery I internshipped at bringing in food on my last day, to celebrate me finishing the internship
  • Getting an A in my internship class (yes, this was/is a class)
  • Handing out candy/treats to Trick or Treaters
  • Getting pumpkins for Halloween/Fall
  • Decorating the pumpkins that I got
  • Getting lunch at work, from an event/meeting that was held there
  • Going to ukulele nights
  • Watching Halloween-themed/related movies
  • Seeing Smallfoot in theaters
  • Seeing the newest Halloween movie
  • Registering and paying for the last class I need to graduate
This month was a pretty good month :)

Tuesday, October 30, 2018


I am linking up with 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes this year.

Today's Free Write is: Voice

It only takes one voice,
At the right pitch,
To start an avalanche.
--Dianna Hardy

Everyone has a voice
But not everyone
Wants to listen
Or takes the time to listen
They think that
Just because
Someone is different than them
That their voice
Isn't as valuable
Isn't worth listening to
But each voice
Can move mountains
If we let it
Our voice may tremble
But it is strong
And it is worth listening to
It has the power
To move even
The heaviest of mountains
The hardest of hearts
If we use them for good
Having a voice
Is the most amazing thing
That we have
We just have to know
How to use it
When to use it
We have to know our why
Voices come in many different forms
And that is the beauty of it all
There is no one way
To use our voice
No one right way
It can be used as we see fit
To understand that
It is so worth it
To make our voices heard
In this world
In this day and age
Many voices are being silenced
Because people think they don't
Deserve to be heard
To be out there
But we need to be heard
We need to speak up
We need to be us

Monday, October 29, 2018

Afraid of Change, and of Staying the Same

I was recently watching an episode of Monk, and there was a scene where Monk was talking to the ghost of his late wife, telling her that he was afraid of change, and of staying the same.

It got me thinking about how I am the same way.

I really do not like change, and I sometimes have a hard time dealing with it, but I'm learning to accept change, and to live with it.

Changes are a part of life, and we have to learn that we can't do anything about it. Changes will come, whether or not we like it, and sometimes whether or not we're ready.

Changes can be good or bad, and sometimes people (including me) have a very hard time letting go of the past, of the memories, and of moving forward.

I am learning to move on, and deal with the changes as they come, but it is hard to do.

If something feels safe, comfortable, and if it works, we don't want to let that go for something new. We don't want to change what we already know works, if it doesn't feel like it needs to be changed. But, sometimes we also want to change, and staying the same can be boring, monotonous.

It's just that we don't know what happens with change, and all we know is what we've been doing, how we've been living, and changing just doesn't feel right. But we don't always want to do the same thing day after day.

It is just about finding the right balance of what works, what doesn't, and trying something new, something different every once in a while.

I love how a lot of shows keep it real, that they portay emotions and feelings, and events and all that, like it would happen in real life. That the characters, and what happens on the show, can somehow relate to real life situations.

So, thank you Monk, for being so relatable!!


I am linking up with 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes this year.

Today's Free Write is: Together

Alone, we can do
So little;
Together we can do
so much.
--Helen Keller

Alone, we can do some
But together
We can do so much more
Sharing the burden
Of life
Helps us to get through
The tough times
And enjoy the good times
We can make more memories
Than if we go through life alone
Helping others helps us
It brings everyone closer together
Creates a strong community bond
A strong family bond
Taking the time to give time to others
Is how we are meant to live
But not everyone sees that
Coming together for good
Would make the world
A much better place to live
And we wouldn't have to
Live in fear for what might happen
Let's all come together
And offer each other

Sunday, October 28, 2018


I am linking up with 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes this year.

Today's Free Write is: Song

Heart is
Just a
For the
Song of
--Sandi Thom

Everyone has a song in their heart
For each season of their life
Whether it's sad
Or happy
There is always a song
For the ups and downs
For the beauty of life
The songs that come on
Just at the right moment
If we are going a bad time
Help us to keep going
Helps us to believe that
Something good will come out
Of the bad
Songs can speak to us in a way
Nothing else can
They tell a story
That we can relate to
Take can inspire us
To live our lives
To do good in the world
They can help lead us
To where we need to be
To the people we need in our lives
Songs help us understand
What we are going through
Why we are going through it
They help us understand
Our emotions
Our feelings
Our life
If we don't share the song in our heart
With others
It may not help others
Who are going through a tough time
We could be an inspiration to others
To lead a good life
To lead the best life we can
If we only share our song with the world

Saturday, October 27, 2018


I am linking up with 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes this year.

Today's Free Write is: Whole

Only Jesus can
Give wholeness
to a
Broken life.
We are born whole
But as life goes on
We become broken
By our actions
Our words
Our decisions
And the actions
And decisions of others
Tragedies break us down
Even more
Only Jesus can make us whole
When we cannot
And that is a beautiful thing
Being broken means we are human
And it makes us stronger
If we let it
But if we have the patience
And love for Jesus
Then we will be made whole
And new again
He does this when we need it most
Not a moment too early or too late
Whatever is missing in our life
He provides for us at the right time

Friday, October 26, 2018


I am linking up for this week's Five Minute Friday.

Today's FMF is: Moment

Each day is filled with many moments
Moments that shape a life
You never know what could happen
In those moments
But what is most important
Is making the most
Of the moments you have
It is the littlest thing in life
That can have the biggest
Impact in a life
Moments can quickly slip by
Without us noticing
If we let it
We all have to remind ourselves
To slow down once in a while
And take each moment in
Soak it up
Enjoy the time we have
One moment may not define us
But we can define a moment
By how we decide to spend our time
The moment we decide
To live our lives the way we want
Not how others say we should
We feel free from the limits in life
That prevent us from doing
The things we long
From making memories in the moment

Thursday, October 25, 2018


I am linking up with 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes this year.

Today's Free Write is: Capture

Life is like a camera.
Focuse on what's important
and You'll capture it perfectly.
Life is like a camera...
Focus on what's important,
Capture the good times,
Develop from the negatives,
And if things don't work out,
Take another shot.

Capturing a moment in time
Can be difficult if we don't pay attention
We have to focus on what is
Most important in life
And less of what isn't so important
We tend to focuse more on
Working more
Doing as much as possible each day
When we really need
To focus on capturing time
With family and friends
To make memories
To take the time to be with them
And to be there for each other
Capturing moments
Capturing the good in life
Helps get through the not so good in life
And that is what truly matters

Wednesday, October 24, 2018


I am linking up with 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes this year.

Today's Free Write is: Brief

Each moment is very brief
But so important
As is each life
It is important to take a moment
To pause
Look around
And marvel at the beauty
Of the world
Because of how brief everything is in life
The seconds slip away
Just like that
And you can miss the important things
If you don't take the time
To open your eyes
And just look around you
Things can change
In just one brief moment
That it is sometimes
Hard to notice
Sometimes it is obvious
You just need to take the time
To slow down and enjoy
The life you are given
Even for just
A brief amount of time

Tuesday, October 23, 2018


I am linking up with 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes this year.

Today's Free Write is: Common

What we have in common
Is that we are all human
That we all have feelings and emotions
That no one is exactly alike
That everyone is beautiful
In their own way
But it is common these days
For people to think
That those who are different from them
Don't deserve to live the life
That they want to live
That they don't deserve the same things they do
We need to realize that
Each life is supposed to look different
From one another
And that each person is worthy
Of living their life
We all have the common yearning
For being loved
And for loving others
And we all need to be open
To caring for others as well as
For ourselves
We are all human
We all need love
And empathy
And people we can count on in life

Monday, October 22, 2018


I am linking up with 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes this year.

Today's Free Write is: Help

Never be afraid to help
Others in their time
Of need. You never know
When you may need that
Shoulder to lean on.

Asking for help
Always feels so scary
Until you actually do it
No one wants to feel like
They can't do something
Because they think
It makes them look weak
But it really makes them stronger
No one can do everything all at once
And asking for help
Means you aren't afraid of relying on others sometimes
Asking others for help
May give you the strength
To be able to help others in the future
So don't be afraid to ask for help
It means you are human
That you don't need to do everything
All of the time
Requiring help is not a bad thing
Helping others is something we need more of these days
As many people are so focused
On themselves
Rather than what others need at times
We all know what it feels like
To be helpless
To need help at one point in our lives
So don't be afraid to ask for help
It is worth it in the end

Sunday, October 21, 2018


I am linking up with 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes this year.

Today's Free Write is: Start

Never use your failure yesterday
As an excuse for not trying again today.
We may not be able to undo
Damages, but we can always make
A new start.
Starting something new
Or starting over again
Means something else
Has to end
Starting something
May not be easy
it may be scary
But it is always worth it
The start of something
May be big,
Or small
But both are just as important
As the other one
Starting over doesn't necessarily mean
You failed
It just means it was not meant to be
And to start something new
Fresh starts are new opportunities
To grow and to learn
To learn more about yourself
And the world around you
You never know how new starts will go
Until it begins
But putting it off is a lot harder
Than actually going through with it
So just enjoy the opportunities when they come
Because you will be so thankful
For having those opportunities in the end
Those experiences

Saturday, October 20, 2018


I am linking up with 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes this year.

Today's Free Write is: Audience

An audience is not
Brought to you
Or given to you;
It's something that
You fight for.
--Bruce Springsteen
The size of your audience
Doesn't matter.
What's important
Is that your audience
Is listening.
--Randy Pausch
Some people thrive
On having audiences
Some prefer being
Behind the scenes
Both are ok
You don't need
A big audience
To get your point across
To be heard
If your message could be heard
By just one person
Inspiring them to do good in the world
You have helped make this world
A better place
An audience can help
Spread the message
Of doing good
Of making every place better
More beautiful
More caring
More loving
More accepting

Friday, October 19, 2018

10 Goals Before 2019

I recently saw a YouTuber post a video on 10 goals she has made before 2019 begins.

I thought that was a good idea, and I was inspired to make a list of my own 10 goals before 2019. So, without further ado, here is my list of 10 goals I want to complete before 2019 comes.

  1. Get bedroom cleaned up
    I had started cleaning up my bedroom over the spring, yet completely stopped once I started my internship. With the internship, and my job at the library, I just did not feel like doing any cleaning in my off time, but now that the internship is over, I have more free time that I am hoping to partially spend on cleaning my room.
  2. Spend as little as possible on my credit card
    I am one of those people who spends more than saves, and I really want to try and work on that.
  3. Find an exercise routine that works for me, and keep it up
    I am not really an exercise junkie, but I do want to get in better shape. I walk, and sometimes bike, to and from work (which isn't that much of a trek for me), but that's about it. I was able to go swimming a couple of times over the summer as well, but I want to do more than this, so I can be a healthier version of myself.
  4. Keep up with writing in a journal
    One thing I really enjoy is writing. I had started a journal months ago, but I quite writing in it for a couple of months. I want to get back into writing in it again, hopefully writing entries at least once a week, or more if there are more things I want to document.
  5. Learn how to cook better, and to eat healthier
    I tend to gravitate to junk food more often than healthy foods, and I do want to change that.
  6. Relearn how to play the violin
    I played the violin for a couple of years in elementary school, but quit because I got bored with playing. I very much regret doing that, but I am hoping to get back into playing.
  7. Read two books a month
    I love to read, but while doing my internship, and working at the library, my down time was not spent reading any books. I want to read more, as I enjoy it very much, and I may even branch out into genres I normally don't read, as well.
  8. Bake and decorate something at least once a month
    Another thing I LOVE doing is baking, and I haven't done any at home for quite some time.
  9. Start learning how to speak, read and write in Spanish somewhat fluently
    I love foreign languages, and would love to be able to speak multiple languages. But, I have a hard time remembering words and their English meanings. I took Spanish in high school, but have forgotten most of the words I learned, because I don't have many people to speak Spanish to. I would love to be able to find a way to learn the language, that works best for me, and to be able to communicate more with people who aren't fluent in English.
  10. Volunteer at an animal shelter
    I love animals, and they always make me feel better when I'm around them. For a while, I hadn't had the time to be able to volunteer at a shelter, but since I now have extra time, I want to be able to volunteer at the local animal shelter.

Thursday, October 18, 2018


I am linking up with 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes this year.

Today's Free Write is: Search

We spend our whole lives
Searching for all the things
We think we want,
Never really knowing
What we have

We are always searching for something
To make us happier
To feel more loved
To fill a void
But sometimes
Once we get something
It doesn't always
Fill that yearning that we have
And we are wanting more and more
But a lot of the time
We are searching for the wrong thing
We don't always realize
That what we are searching for
Is something that we already have
God's love
He fills a part of our lives
That only He can fill
He is what we all
Are really searching for in life
His compassion and love
His faithfulness to us

Wednesday, October 17, 2018


I am linking up with 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes this year.

Today's Free Write is: Pause

Now and then
It's good to pause
In our pursuit of happiness
And just be happy.
~Guillame Apollinaire
When in doubt...
When tired...
When angry...
When stressed...
And whenever you pause...
These days people feel that
They need to keep moving
To keep working
To keep going
Which just burns them out
They don't think about
What that does to their well-being.
It is ok to pause
Every once in a while
To stop and think
To rest.
Pausing allows you to think
About all that is going on
And allows you to re-evaluate
What needs to change.
Pausing allows you
To live in the moment
To take a breath
To rest.
Pausing allows you
To think about what you want to do,
How you will react in a situation,
To catch your breath.
Pausing allows you to rest and recharge,
So you can take on each day as they come.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018


I am linking up with 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes this year.

Today's Free Write is: Pray

Therefore I tell you
Whatever you ask for in
Believe that you have recieved it,
And it will be yours.
~Mark 11:24
Prayer can be
A powerful weapon in life
If only you know how to use it
God does hear your prayers
Even if he doesn't answer right away
Answers to prayers
Can come in unexpected ways
At unexpected times
When you most need it
All you have to do is ask
And your prayer will be answered
When life doesn't seem to
Be going right
Pray to God for help
When life goes right
Pray to God
To thank Him for all that he has done
He is always there for you
He always listens
He always answers

Monday, October 15, 2018


I am linking up with 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes this yera.

Today's Free Write is: When

You never know
What each day brings
You never know when
Something will happen
You just have to be patient
If there is something you want
You have to work for it
And it will come
Sometimes when you least expect it
When you find yourself
Wishing for something to happen
You feel sad because you don't have it
But you have to remember
That you don't get anything
By wishing for it
You have to work at getting it
It will feel all the more rewarding
Once you do get it
Whether it be a job
A new home
Or an experience
It doesn't come unless you work for it
Persistance and patience
Always pays off

Sunday, October 14, 2018


I am linking up with 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes this year.

Today's Free Write is: Ask

He who is
Afraid to ask
Is afraid
Of learning.
People may be afraid
To ask a question
Because they are afraid
Of learning the answer.
If they don't ask,
They will never know.
If they don't know,
They don't learn,
And if they don't learn,
They don't grow.
Asking helps a person
Understand the world around them,
And they can view the world
With a new perspective.
Asking a question
May be hard to do
But important
If you want to understand more,
Learn more about the world around you.
Don't be afraid to ask about something
That is important to you.
It doesn't hurt to question something,
And it doesn't hurt to find out more.

Saturday, October 13, 2018


I am linking up with 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes this year.

Today's Free Write is: Talk

Talking to God
Is like talking to a friend
on a Telephone.
We may not see him
on the other end
But we know he's listening.
People will talk about you
When they envy you
And the life you lead.
Let them.
You affected their life.
Don't let them affect yours.

For me,
Talking is very hard to do
Especially around new people
A group of people
People I am not familiar with
I am always thinking
About what I want to say
What I should say
What I should do
How people would treat me
Being so shy and introverted
Does have its disadvantages
When in certain situations
I am always worried
About what could go wrong
And not just letting what happens
And I always let the little things get to me
Well after it has happened.
I don't always like to say
What is on my mind
Because I think
No one wants to listen
That no one truly cares.
I have learned from experience
That talking truly does help.
I just need to push myself
To speak up on the important things
That need to be said.
Because it is worth being said
And it is worth being heard.

Thursday, October 11, 2018


I am linking up with 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes this year.

Today's Free Write is: Door

Sometimes we stare so long
at a door that is closing
That we see too late
the one that is open.
--Alexander Graham Bell
When one door closes
Another one opens
It may not happen right away
But a new opportunity
Always follows
When one ends.
When a door closes
It means that chapter
Of life is complete
And a new door opening
Means a new chapter
Is beginning
An open door
Is an opportunity
To start fresh
To learn from the past
And to keep moving forward
A closed door
Is an opportunity
To learn from what has happened
To know why it is closed
And to learn how to move forward
A closed door does not mean
You aren't worthy of an opportunity
It means it is not meant for you
And you just have to move on
To the next opportunity
That is meant for you
You just have keep going
Never give up
You will always have doors opening up
With new opportunities
You just have to be patient
And sieze the moment
When it is given to you

Wednesday, October 10, 2018


I am linking up with 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes this year.

Today's Free Write is: How

There is no manual on how to live life
You just have to live it
The best you can
How a person's life looks
Is entirely up to them
Entirely up to God
How you talk
How you think
How you dress
How you live your life
Is not for others to judge
Not for others to dictate
It is yours
And yours alone
How we live our lives,
And who we are
Is not up for debate
We are who we are
For a reason
And nothing will change that

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Current Favorites

Well, it's time for another favorites list!

Here are my current faves:
  • Poke bowls
    I recently tried a poke bowl from a new restaurant in town, and absolutely loved it. I had been wanting to try one, but didn't know where to get them. So, when I went to a local festival over the summer, I found out that the restaurant served them, so I jumped on the chance to try one, and have been hooked ever since!
  • Body wash from SeneGence
    My skin feels soft and smooth, and it has a light, fresh scent as well. I will definitely keep on using this, and will purchase more in the future!!
  • MARC ANTHONY TRUE PROFESSIONAL Bye.Bye Frizz Miracle Treatment
    I could tell the differnce in how my hair feels, after just the first use. My hair feels smoother and softer, and it does help with the frizz. I love it!!
  • Trust Fund Beauty Nail Polish in the shade Kiss Kiss Darling
    It has been many years since I painted my nails, but I got this nail polish in my September Ipsy bag, and tried it out. The color is absolutely beautiful!!! It is a bold, burgundy color, that is perfect for the fall, and it makes me want to start painting my nails again!
  • HEMPZ Triple Moisture Herbal Whipped Body Cream
    It instantly makes my skin feeling smoother, and the scent is amazing!
  • The Great British Baking Show
    I was finally able to start watching this series, and I absolutely love it!!! I am a baker, so this show is perfect for me. The contestants actually care about one another, and are not trying to take out the others. The hosts and judges are great as well, and this show is amazing!!
  • Pocketful of Primary
    A YouTube channel, by a teacher in Maryland. I have a heart for kids, and really want to be a teacher, so I am very happy to have found this channel recently. Michelle talks about how her days go, how she plans each day, shows what she purchases for her lessons, shows snippets of classes, and shares her feelings about each day. She keeps it real, and that is what I love about her, and her channel.


I am linking up with 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes this year.

Today's Free Write is: Inspire

The best thing
About the future
Is that it comes
One day at a time.
--Abraham Lincoln

Inspiration can come from anywhere
At any time
To anyone
The actions of one person
Can inspire the actions of another
Either good or bad
We need to let the good
Outweigh the bad
To help make the world
A better place
To inspire others
To do more good
So we can all make a better life
For ourselves and others
Inspiration can be a beautiful thing
If we let the world in
If we open up our eyes,
Our minds,
Our sould
To the beauty around us
Let us inspire each other
For the better

Monday, October 8, 2018


I am linking up with 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes this year.

Today's Free Write is: Comfort

He knows of our anguish, and He is there for us. --Dallin H. Oaks

No matter what happens in life,
There is always someone there
To comfort you.
When things are good,
They are there to celebrate with you.
When things aren't so good,
They are there to lend a shoulder to cry on,
An ear to listen to.
A hug to comfort.
Those people help us get through
The big and little things in life,
Always being there for us
No matter what.
Having someone to confide in,
To share things with
Is one of the greatest comforts in life.
The one who is ALWAYS there
is God
Who never abandons us,
Especially in our times of need.
That is the greatest comfort of all.
He knows exactly what we need,
When we need it.
He comforts us all of our lives,
And that is the best thing of all.

Sunday, October 7, 2018


I am linking up with 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes this year.

Today's Free Write is: Hope

When the world says, "Give up,"
Hope whispers, "Try it one more time."
~Author Unknown
Hope is a fragile thing
Yet strong at the same time.
Hope can be as silent as the wind
Or as loud as a lion.
We just need to listen
And look in the right places.
Hope is what helps us
To keep going
Especially when things get tough.
We need that little extra push
To get over a hurdle that comes our way.
Hope can be broken by the littlest thing,
But can be built up by the littlest things as well.
Hope can come in many different forms
From something as simple as
Hoping for a good grade on something in school,
To something as big as
Marriage, starting a family,
Or other big hopes and dreams.
Hope gets us through each day
And gives us something to look forward to.
Hope is a beautiful thing.

Saturday, October 6, 2018

A Shy and Introverted Teacher?

I have always been a very shy, introverted person, and that, among other things, is why I never really liked school all that much.

Yet, I have been very intent on becoming an elementary school teacher.

I have no idea why.

I am still very shy and introverted. I hate being the center of attention; I don't like to speak in front of a group of people; I freeze when I have to speak.

I just don't like it. Yet I really, really, really want to be a teacher. I love children, and this is how I want to work with them.

Yes, I am aware that there are other positions, like teaching assistants, where I can still work with the kids, without the pressure of being the head of the class.

But, I seem to have my heart set on becoming a teacher. Head of a class of children.

Which kind of scares me.

But, if something doesn't scare you, it doesn't help you grow, and learn. You have to be able to do the hard, the scary.

I am debating whether to go for elementary education, or special education, as my major. I have a heart for special education teaching, but I would also like to teach regular education as well. I might do both, just in case.

I started taking college classes in becoming a teacher, but I didn't do too great, so I switched majors. Once I am finished with this major (baking and pastry; I actually graduate, hopefully, this coming May!!), I may try again with the teaching degree.

Hopefully it works out better this next time around, and I may find out if I truly have what it takes to be a teacher. In the end, I may decide to become a teacher's aide, as I really want to be in a classroom again.


I am linking up with this year's 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes.

Today's Five Minute Free Write is: Belong

“Those who have a strong sense of love and belonging have the courage to be imperfect.”
Brené Brown

Knowing where you belong
Isn't going to be easy,
But it is worth it.
You may not even belong
In any one place.
And that's ok.
If a place
Doesn't feel right
You have the right and freedom
To go somewhere new.
Knowing who you belong with
Isn't easy either
As people can change
They can appear to be one way
And truly be another.
The right people,
The right place
Will come into your life
At the right time.
You do not need
To change yourself
To find out
Where you belong
Or who you belong with.
It will all
Work itself out in time
If you just let it.

Friday, October 5, 2018


I am linking up with Five Minute Friday for today's post.

Today's Five Minute Friday is: Share

It is so difficult to share one's own story
Because many people don't want to hear it.
They are not believers
In the one who can change their lives.
Or they think it won't make a difference.
Sharing lifts a burden that
Was once thought to be just their own
To take on.
Sharing creates a community of people
Who may have a similar story.
Of people who truly care about others.
It eases the pain of the bad times
And magnifies the good times.
Sharing requires nothing
Except one's own voice
Which is more powerful
Than anyone may think.
That is the beauty of sharing your story.
Words have the power to move others
In a way nothing else can.
Don't be afraid to tell your story
If it can help even just one person.

Thursday, October 4, 2018


I am linking up with this year's 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes.

Today's Five Minute Free Write is: Why

He who has a why to live can bear almost any how. --Friedrich Nietzsche
There is always a reason to why things happen.
We may not know what that reason is,
But it is there.
Having a why to live
Is one of the best feelings in the world.
It helps figure out the hows in life
And in getting through the tough times.
We may ask why something happened
The way it did
But the only way to figure it out
Is to get through it.
Why is such a big question
So deep
That the answer
May never be known sometimes.
Just knowing that
Your why was chosen for you
Is enough to get through life,
Both the good and the bad parts.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018


I am linking up with the 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes, for today's Free Write.

Today's free write is: Believe.

Magic is believing in yourself. If you can do that, you can make anything happen. --Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Believing in yourself is one of the best things you can do for yourself.
You are capable of more than you think

You just need to believe that you are.
Believing in yourself
Your worth
Your life
Is an amazing feeling.
You deserve to do the things you want to do
If you just believe in yourself,
And in the impossible.
Believing in the good that is to come in life,
That the bad and tough times
Do not last forever
Is what makes life worth living.
Our stories and lives are meant to be lived and shared,
Yet some do not believe in the power
Of their testimonies.
By not believing in their story,
They are doubting the one
Who has written their story.
It is worth it,
To believing in themselves and their life story,
So as to help others believe as well.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018


I am linking up with 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes.

Today's Free Write is: Afraid

My motto is: feel the fear and do it anyway. --Tamara Mellon
Everyone is afraid of something, and there is nothing wrong with that. It is how you get past your fear, that is most important.

Acknowleding the fear, accepting it, and pushing past it is easier said than done, but it helps in getting through something that is scary, and hard.

Fear will always be a part of life, and getting past it is how you learn to live, how you learn to get through the hard, difficult, scary times.

Pushing past these times is worth it in the end, when you get to the beauty of accomplishing what you thought was impossible. What you thought was scary.

You know something is worth doing, if it scares you. It means it is important to you, that you want something enough to push through the hard parts.

Monday, October 1, 2018


I am participating in this year's 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes, which I am really looking forward to!!

Today's free write is: Story

Everyone has a story to tell,
And it is up to them as to how they write it.
There will always be
Good parts
Bad parts
Funny parts
Sad parts
Scary parts
But no matter what their story has
It is theirs to tell
And only theirs.
No one can
Tell it for them.
They are the director,
And the main actor
In their story.
It is special,
Unique to that person.
It has many chapters to be told.
Every story is worthy of being told,
Of being heard.
The beginning and the middle of our stories
Are just as important
As the end,
Which will be told in due time.
Our stories are not to be rushed,
as they are meant to be enjoyed.
We just have to take the time
To slow down and take in
The world around us,
To see the world
And all that it offers.