Friday, July 24, 2020

3 Things I Would Do If I Weren't Afraid

I found the idea for this post somewhere online, and wanted to write a post about it.

So, here are 3 things I would do if I weren't afraid:
  1. Speak up for myself more
    I am a very shy and introverted person, so I don't speak up very much, unless I am with friends and family, or around people I am comfortable speaking with.

    I am always thinking/worried about what others would think of me when I say something, so a lot of the things I want to say, stays unsaid, just because I'm afraid of others' opinions of me.

    I care way too much about what others think of me. And it holds me back from doing the things I want to do, and saying the things I want to say.

    And I really want to change that.

  2. Have/make more friends
    Because of my shyness, I don't have many friends. I think people think I'm not worth being friends with, because of who I am, and it makes me even less inclined to go up to people and talk to them.

    The friends I do have are great, but lately I have been feeling lonely, like I don't have any real friends.

    I don't want to be popular, I just want to have more friends, true friends, that I can connect with, have fun with, and make amazing memories with.
  3. Live my own life
    I have been able to do some things on my own, without relying on other people, but many things have been done by/with others. I tend to not want to do a lot of things unless someone I know is with me, and I want to change that (I do love doing things with people, but I also want to do more things on my own).

    I want to do more things for myself, without having to rely on others to get them done.

    I want to live a life worth living, a life that is my own. I want to live my life my way.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

YouTube Channel Favorite: Ask a Mortician

Yes, this is a channel about death.

But, the woman who runs the channel (or at least is the main person talking) is so knowledgeable, and has a way of communicating, that makes death less "scary" or "bad", even if the situation(s) in which a person died were.

Caitlyn, the woman behind Ask a Mortician, has been in the mortuary field for years, and has learned a lot in the field, and she brings that knowledge through in her videos.

She does videos on famous corpses from around the world, how we handle the dead in natural disasters, she collaborates with other morticians, and does other mortuary/death-related videos.

Caitlyn has a website called The Order of the Good Death, which has information on her and her team, different types of funerals and services, books she has written, and more.

She is an amazing person, and I very much enjoy watching her videos.