Monday, August 29, 2022

Bucket List for Going Out of My Comfort Zone

I am probably the most awkward, shyest, and most introverted person anyone would ever meet.

If I had the choice (which, at the moment, I actually do have the choice), I would spend as much time as possible at home, doing what I wanted, without dealing with other people.

Mostly because I prefer the quiet, the less busy days, and I don't like to be rushed or have multiple things going on at once.

Although, I do want to change that and go out more, do more things, meet more people, have more experiences in my life. So, I decided to make a list of things I would like to do, that would bring me out of my comfort zone (and my shell). Or at least, a list of ideas of things I am willing to do/try.

In no particular order, here is that list:
  • Learn how to not be so afraid to do the things I want to
  • Surfing
  • Indoor skydiving
  • Become comfortable with public speaking
  • Visit New York
  • Start up a conversation with someone I want to get to know
  • Do some form of exercise outdoors
  • Start my own business/side project
  • Write a book and get it published
  • Take up a martial art
  • Go on a roller coaster/ride that scares me
  • Start a YouTube channel and post regularly
  • Try snowboarding
  • Shave my head (yes, I really want to do this!)
  • Learn sign language
  • Learn Spanish
  • Learn Italian
  • Participate in a photo shoot with me in front of the camera
  • Get a tattoo in memory of my mom
  • Get tattoos in memory of my grandparents
  • Get a tattoo in honor of my parents' marriage
  • Get a tattoo/tattoos in memory of my pets
  • Get my nose pierced
  • Learn archery
  • Hold a spider (I am VERY afraid of spiders)
  • Swim with dolphins
  • Write my own songs
  • Go paintballing
  • Go white water rafting
  • Go on a helicopter ride
  • Skydeck Ledge at Willis Tower
  • Visit the Grand Canyon
  • Try a ropes course
  • See Hamilton in person
  • See Aladdin live
  • See The Book of Mormon live
  • See The Lion King live
  • Become proficient in playing the violin, and record myself playing songs
  • Become proficient in playing the guitar
  • Become proficient in playing the ukulele
  • Become proficient in playing the piano
  • Dye my hair purple
  • Ride a motorcycle
  • Get my driver's license 
  • Get into a relationship with a significant other
  • Move into my own place
  • Meet a favorite actor/band/artist, and ask them for their autograph
  • Learn how to make macarons
  • Go on a picnic by myself
  • Jump off a diving board/platform
  • Relax in a sensory deprivation tank
  • Take a pottery class
  • Ride a camel
  • Volunteer abroad
  • Learn self defense
  • Learn to change a tire
  • Get my passport, and visit a foreign country by myself/with friends
  • See Blue Man Group in person
  • Become financially independent
  • Foster animals
  • Live in another country for a year
  • Volunteer at a food bank
  • Sponsor a child in need
  • Become comfortable with reaching out to friends on a regular basis, to see how they are doing, and invite them to go on an outing with me
  • See the Nutcracker ballet
  • See the Globetrotters in person
  • Get married
  • Have kids of my own
  • Stop caring what others think of me
  • Volunteer with Wheels for the World
  • Love my body enough to take better care of it (eat more healthy foods, exercise on a more regular basis, etc.)
  • Purchase my first car/vehicle
  • Grow my hair out as long as possible, and take good care of it
  • Attend an NHL game
  • Learn how to do a handstand
  • Learn how to stop impulse buying
  • Get another piercing in each ear
  • Start a travel savings account
  • Learn Photo Shop
  • Learn graphic design
  • Do a color run
  • Try acupuncture
  • Go to a country music concert (I grew up listening to country music, yet have never gone to a concert)
  • Learn how to mend clothes, other items
  • Pay for a stranger's meal/bill/groceries
  • Go for 1-mile bike rides, then 2-mile rides once comfortable with that, then eventually go on up to 5-mile rides
  • Learn how to apply my own makeup (be good at it) and find the right shades/colors for my skin tone
  • Get a facial
  • Get my back cracked (yes, I want to do this!)
  • Host a game night
  • Send flowers to a friend
  • Learn how to cook better
  • Learn how to bake better
  • Improve my cake decorating skills
  • Learn how to bake bread
  • Unplug completely for 24 hours
  • Buy a DSLR camera, and learn how to use it
  • Adopt and take care of at least one dog
  • Adopt and take care of two birds
  • Adopt and take care of two rabbits
  • Become more comfortable with making and receiving phone calls

I may add more, but I am happy with what I have here.

I know it's a lot, but I am done being afraid of doing what I really want to do, and am ready to break free of my comfort zone.

What are things you would like to do, that are out of your comfort zone? 

Friday, August 26, 2022

My Dream Garden

One thing I would love to be able to pick up, and do on a regular basis is gardening. It is always a calming activity, and seeing my work of taking care of a healthy, flourishing garden would make me very happy.

I have done a little gardening here and there and have loved it. If I have the opportunity to have my own yard someday, I would like to be able to start a garden with at least some of what I would love to grow.

I know I most likely won't be able to have everything on this list, in my garden, and I am fine with that. What I would most like to have is in bold.

So, here is what I would love to have in my dream garden someday:

Flowers, Herbs, Plants
  • Sunflowers
  • Lavender
  • Daisies
  • Tulips
  • Roses
  • Tiger Lily
  • Lily of the Valley
  • Basil
  • Mint
  • Oregano
  • Chamomile
Fruits, Veggies, Etc.
  • Carrots
  • Brussels sprouts
  • Peas
  • Potatoes
  • Lettuce
  • Jalapenos
  • Tomatoes
  • Asparagus
  • Green Beans
  • Cucumber
  • Spinach
  • Pumpkins
  • Bananas
  • Strawberries
  • Raspberries
  • Grapes
  • Orange
  • Watermelon
  • Lemon
  • Apple
  • Avocado
  • Pear
  • Cinnamon
I know this is a lot, but I want to be able to grow as much of my own foods as possible. It would show me that I am capable of doing things myself when I am able to, and I would be doing something that I love.

What do you want to have in your own garden?

Monday, August 22, 2022

100 Things That Make Me Happy

I recently read about a suggestion about writing down 100 things that make me happy, and I figured I would actually do that, as I have been feeling down lately, and wanted a reminder of what makes me happy.

It took me a while to come up with 100 things, but it just goes to show that there is so much to be grateful for, that we take pleasure in.

I never truly realized how many things actually made me happy until making this list/post, and I'm glad I did this. It definitely helps to have a list like this, to help you feel better if you are having a tough time.

So, in no particular order, here are 100 things that make me happy:
  1. Nature
  2. Animals (especially horses, dogs, and cats)
  3. Baking
  4. Painting
  5. Music
  6. Playing games (video, board, card, etc.)
  7. Joni and Friends retreats
  8. Texting friends
  9. Traveling
  10. Writing
  11. Movies
  12. Knitting
  13. Crochet
  14. Playing the violin
  15. Listening to audiobooks
  16. Naps
  17. The color purple
  18. Bike riding
  19. Swimming
  20. Thrifting
  21. Making things with clay
  22. Butterflies
  23. Photography
  24. Chocolate
  25. The sound of babies laughing
  26. Kids saying hi to me
  27. Cheesecake
  28. Horseback riding
  29. Scrapbooking
  30. Learning a new language
  31. Beads/beading
  32. Hoodies
  33. Teddy bears
  34. Stickers
  35. Beaches
  36. Staying up late
  37. Puzzles
  38. Hot chocolate
  39. Long showers/baths
  40. Strawberries
  41. Rainbows
  42. Composition notebooks 
  43. Lists (yes, lists make me happy!!)
  44. Alone time
  45. Sunrises and sunsets
  46. Seeing stars in the sky at night
  47. The sound and smell of rain
  48. The sound of birds chirping
  49. The sound of crickets
  50. Hugs from friends and family
  51. The sound of cats purring
  52. Listening to waves
  53. The smell of rain on a summer day
  54. Snuggling with cats and dogs
  55. Sitting on a front porch
  56. A girls' night out
  57. Exploring a new place
  58. Self-care
  59. Laying in the grass and looking up at the sky
  60. S'mores
  61. Brimmed hats
  62. Pad Thai
  63. Irish music
  64. Country music (from the 90's and early 2000's)
  65. Christian rock music
  66. Pop music
  67. Macaroni and cheese
  68. Tacos
  69. Nachos
  70. Fidget toys
  71. Country life
  72. Bonfires
  73. Getting a letter or package in the mail from a friend or family member
  74. Cardinals (the birds, of course)
  75. Shopping
  76. Bullet journaling
  77. Junk journaling
  78. Planners
  79. Pasta salad
  80. A cool breeze on a warm day
  81. Lemon bars
  82. Call the Midwife TV show
  83. Outlander TV show
  84. Bonanza TV show
  85. Mini golf
  86. Bagels with cream cheese
  87. Laughing with my friends
  88. Sleeping in
  89. Listening to my favorite song(s)
  90. Making someone laugh/smile
  91. Lemonade
  92. Extra buttery, salty popcorn
  93. People believing in me, that I can do anything I set my mind to
  94. Finding out I can do something, when I was afraid that I couldn't do it
  95. Seeing the stars and moon in the sky at night
  96. Friends checking in with me, to see how I'm doing
  97. Gardening
  98. Pinterest
  99. The sound of cicadas in the evening
  100. School supplies (yes, school supplies!! I'm not in school anymore, but whenever school supplies go on sale, I am always tempted to buy some.)
And that is my list!

What makes you happy?

Friday, August 19, 2022

My Top 10 Likes and Dislikes

Just like everyone else, I have my own likes and dislikes. They are a part of what makes me me.

I figured I would write this post, so you can get to know me a little better, to understand me better. Much of the time, it is hard for me to get the right words to say want I want to say, to get my point across, and writing helps me with that.

It allows me to take my time to find the right words, so others can understand what I want to tell them.

Hopefully with things like this post, you (and others) can get a better sense and understanding of who I am, and why I am the way I am.

So, without further ado, here are my top 10 likes and dislikes:

  1. Photography

  2. Writing

  3. Baking

  4. Animals

  5. Joni and Friends retreats 

  6. Warm weather

  7. String instruments

  8. Brimmed hats

  9. Rainy days

  10. Naps/sleeping

  1. Cold weather 

  2. People judging me before getting to know me

  3. Public speaking

  4. A lot of sounds going at once

  5. Tapping sounds (feet, pens/pencils/etc., fingers, etc.)

  6. Being put on the spot

  7. Confrontations 

  8. Spiders

  9. Starting a conversation, especially with people I don't know

  10. Running (I never liked running, even as a kid)

What are your likes and dislikes?

Monday, August 15, 2022

Me A to Z

I have seen people make an A to Z list, describing themselves, and decided to make one of my own.

It took me a while to come up with all the words to fill the list, but I got it all filled up, and I hope it gives you a little more insight into who I am.

I am:
  • A  Animal lover

  • Baker

  • Creative

  • Different

  • E  Empath/Empathetic

  • Faith-filled

  • G  Genial

  • H  Homebody

  • I  Introverted

  • J  Jolif (meaning: marked with a pleasant and joyful character)

  • K  Kind

  • L  Lighthearted

  • M  Musical/music lover

  • N  Night owl

  • O  Overthinker

  • P  Puzzle lover

  • Q  Quiet

  • R  Reader

  • S  Shy
         STM (Short Term Missionary) at Joni and Friends Retreats
         Sometimes sarcastic

  • T  Thoughtful

  • Understanding
  • V  Visual
          Video game lover

  • W  Writer
  • X  CompleX

  • Y  Young at heart

  • Z  AmaZingly me

How do you describe yourself?

Friday, August 12, 2022

My Friendship Bucket List

I haven't been able to do much of anything with my friends in quite some time (partly because of the pandemic, partly because it was my fault).

I would love to be able to see and do things with my friends again, as I miss them very much, so hopefully I will be able to change that soon.

In no particular order, here is my bucket list of things I would like to do with my friends:
  • Go on a road trip
  • Visit another country
  • Volunteer together
  • Spend a day (or more) in the city
  • Have a spa day
  • Go to a concert together
  • Spend a day at a waterpark
  • Spend a day at an amusement park
  • Paint (pottery, canvas, etc.)
  • Bonfire with s'mores
  • Go swimming
  • Go bike riding
  • Have a movie marathon
  • Go to the beach
  • Bake together
  • Go on picnics
  • Go sledding
  • Go ice skating
  • Do something that scares us
  • Play video games together
  • Go mini golfing
  • Ride a Ferris wheel
  • Learn a new language together
  • Put puzzles together
  • Have a craft night
  • Participate in an escape room
  • Play laser tag
  • Go on photo shoots
  • Have a game night
  • Go thrifting
  • See a show on Broadway
  • Go to Disney
  • Go to the zoo
  • Go bowling
  • Make chalk art
  • Go to a trampoline park
  • Go carting
  • Horseback riding
  • Fondue night
  • At-home mani/pedi
  • Experience Christmas and/or New Year's in another city, state, or country
  • Experience our birthdays in another city, state, or country
  • Make homemade ice cream
  • Go to a fair/carnival
  • Pick fruit
  • Have a water gun fight
  • Have a water balloon fight
  • Pool party
  • Go to a sports game
  • Have a sleepover
  • Take lots of photos
  • Go to a roller rink
  • Go to a drive-in movie theater
  • Take selfies together
  • Go to a music festival together
  • Tie-dye
  • Make scrapbooks
  • Make junk journals
  • Garden
  • Make kindness jars for each other
I'm sure there will be other things I would like to do with my friends, that I will think of later, but at this point, this is a very good starting point. Hopefully I can check off a few of these soon!

What are things you would like to do with your friends?

Monday, August 8, 2022

Bands/Artists I Would Like to See in Concert

I have only been to one concert in my life, and it was an Andrea Bocelli concert that happened in October of last year.

I was on a sort of concert high for a while after his concert, and have been wanting to go to another one ever since.

I grew up listening to country music, so many of the artists on this list are from that genre of music.

Once I started listening to other types of music, becoming familiar with and liking other artists, I have been wanting to go to a concert of theirs as well.

In no particular order, here are the artists/groups that I would like to see in concert:
  • Celtic Woman (I was supposed to go to one of their concerts in April, but I ended up not feeling well the day of the concert, so I didn't get to go)

  • Celtic Thunder

  • Michael BublĂ©

  • Josh Groban

  • Matthew West

  • Garth Brooks

  • Tim McGraw

  • Camille and Kennerly--The Harp Twins

  • Imagine Dragons

  • Colbie Caillat

  • Mannheim Steamroller (for their Christmas concert)

  • Keith Urban

  • Kenny Chesney

  • Zac Williams

  • Andre Rieu

  • Reba McIntire

  • Jonathan Antoine

  • Pentatonix

  • George Strait

  • Shania Twain

  • Alan Jackson

  • Andrea Bocelli again (yes, I am still including him. He is one of my top favorite artists!)

  • Travis Tritt

  • The Piano Guys

  • Clint Black
Hopefully I can see at least a few of these bands/artists in concert at some point. I have been itching to go to another one, ever since the Andrea Bocelli concert!

Who would you like to see in concert? If you have been to any concerts already, which one was your favorite?

Friday, August 5, 2022

10 Things That Help Me Relax

I am one of those people that get anxious and stressed out very easily, and there are several things that help me to relax.

I have quite a few things I like to do, to help me to relax and calm down, but I have decided to write about 10 things here (it was kind of hard to choose which ones I wanted to include here).

Here are 10 things that help me relax:
  1. A long shower or bath
    What's better than a warm bath or shower? You can add a bath bomb or bath salts, light candles, have music playing (or have it silent) is SO relaxing! Plus, I get to have alone time, which is perfect for me.

  2. A movie
    Movies were one thing that got me through one of the hardest times in my life, as it allows me to go into another reality for a while and forget everything else.

  3. My favorite music
    I am always listening to music, and what I listen to depends on how I'm feeling. Lately, I have been mostly listening to Christian rock, but I have also been listening to country, pop, and Irish music.

  4. Nature
    The sounds of the animals, the sound of wind blowing through the leaves and grass, running water, flowers...all of nature has such a calming effect on humans. I recently went through a tough time, and spent a long time at a local park, which really helped me.

  5. Journaling/writing
    One of my passions is writing, and it always calms me down when I write. It allows me to get my point across, and I can use the words I want to use. Plus, I can take my time with what I want to say, and I can be creative as well.

  6. Spending time alone, in my room
    I am very introverted, so any chance I can get, I spend time alone in my room (which has been a lot lately). It definitely helps allow me to recharge and allows me to think things through. 

  7. Listening to audiobooks
    For quite some time now, I have mostly switched to audiobooks, as I can't seem to concentrate on a book if I read it myself. Plus, the narrators do a very good job of telling the story they are reading.

  8. Snuggling with my cats
    I love it when my cats come over to snuggle on my lap. I get to love on them, they calm me down if I am stressed or anxious, and I get to spend time with them.

  9. Baking
    Another passion of mine. For as long as I can remember, I have loved baking. I get to be creative with food, and people get to enjoy something that I make. There are endless possibilities of what I can make when it comes to baking, and I love that.

  10. Photography 
    Yet another passion of mine. As with baking, I have loved photography for as long as I can remember. My favorite thing to photograph is probably flowers, as well as animals. Plus, I can be as creative as I want with how I want to photos to look.
These are probably my favorite ways to relax, and it is so nice to have multiple options that can help calm me.

What helps you to relax?

Monday, August 1, 2022

My Bedroom Bucket List/Wish List

For longer than I care to admit, my bedroom has been a disaster, and I have had zero motivation to do anything about it.

I have been watching cleaning videos, and looking for ideas on how I would like to decorate my room, and while that has helped some, it hasn't been enough for me to really get to work on my room.

Which is so frustrating!!

I hope to get it over with, and just do it, as I know I will feel so much better once it's finished.

So, here is my bedroom wishlist and bucket list, for what I hope to accomplish:

My Wishlist:
New bed
TV (maybe)
Computer chair
Art/wall dĂ©cor 
Mini fridge (yes, a mini fridge; I am a night owl, and am always hungry/thirsty at night, and I don't always feel like going downstairs to get something from the kitchen. Plus, I don't have my own bathroom, so I can't get a drink as easily when I am thirsty.)
Storage containers/baskets
Small/portable vacuum
Blackout curtains/blinds
Another lamp (I have one for my writing desk, but I would like to have another one for another part of my room, as well)
Laundry hamper
Corner shelving/floating shelves  
Violin stand
Guitar stand
Ukulele stand  
Paint (I am thinking of some shade of blue for my entire room)
New bookshelf

My bucket list:
Get rid of garbage and recycling
Go through clothes, shoes, and accessories, and decide what to keep and what to get rid of
Go through books, CDs, and DVDs, and decide what to keep and what to get rid of
Get rid of old bed and set up new bed
Get rid of chifforobe (I haven't used it in years, and it takes up too much space in my small room)
Paint walls a different color
Hang up/put clothes away
Put computer desk together
Set up computer and printer on computer desk
Rearrange furniture to how I want it
Put up curtains/blinds
Hang up art/dĂ©cor 
Hang up a mirror
Set up instruments
Wash bedding, and put them on bed
Set up bookshelf, and put everything I want to in it

Well, that is everything I would like to do with my room. It's definitely a big project, and I am hoping to get started on it as soon as possible.

What is a big project on your to-do list? How do you find/get the motivation to get it done?