Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Fall Fun & Unusually Warm Weather

Well, the Fall fun has begun. The other weekend, I went to a fall fest at a local community college. They had jewelry making, mask decorating, a pumpkin patch, food, mazes, and a few other fun things to do. I was able to get a pumpkin for myself (and it was free!), which was good.

I also made a couple different necklaces, and decorated a mask. I had a good time overall.

This past Saturday, a friend and I went to the movies, because they were having a free showing of Gumby the Movie. I love Gumby, so I was happy to go, when my friend invited me to it.

While getting our tickets, there was a guy out front dressed as Gumby, greeting all the children that were coming to see the movie. It was pretty cool.

After the movie, we went to an elementary school, because they were hosting a fall fest. It was fun. They had games, which were geared toward elementary school-age kids (of course), food, two pie-throwing contests (where a kid could throw a pie at two teachers), a raffle, and pumpkins.

I got another pumpkin, which I am happy about. Yes, I now have two pumpkins. That just means I can be twice as creative for Halloween. And I LOVE being creative.

This Friday, I am volunteering in the morning, and then going over to a friend's house, for their annual pumpkin carving night. I love going to it. Pumpkin carving/painting, food, talking, maybe a little's a fun night.

I haven't decided whether or night I will dress up for Halloween, but I have time to decide that.

Today, I saw Frankenweenie in theaters. It was really good. I love going to the movies, even though I have to spend $6 to $8 for tickets, which is crazy.

I sometimes go alone, which I don't mind doing. At all. I don't know why, really. I guess it's because I don't have to "plan." I don't have to call/text/email/whatever, to see if anyone is available, and then plan anything for before or afterwards.

I know I can plan "on a whim," with friends or family, but people don't always like doing anything more than a movie. So, I usually go to the movies alone. Which is fine with me.

The last few days, it has been around the low sixties, and it's fall. I don't remember it ever been this warm in October, for this many days. It's crazy, but I like it. I'm a warm weather person, so this is nice. Although, about half the time, it has been raining. But, I love the rain as well, so I'm not bothered about that.

So, I'm pretty happy right now.

Oh, I just remembered. The other day, my oldes brother called, just to say hi and see how we are doing. He lives halfway across the country, and I haven't seen him for quite a while. So, it was nice to hear from him.

He's doing good, although he's working a lot. But he told me he's going to Hawaii in January, which I am extremely jealous about. I've always wanted to go to Hawaii (who doesn't?), and I wish I could go with him.

I hope I get to see my brother and sister-in-law sometime soon, because I miss them. A lot. I haven't seen them for a couple of years.

I know that people can live wherever they want, but I just wish my brother didn't live so far away, so I can see him and his wife more often. I love hearing from them, though.

Well, that's all for now. More to come soon.

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