Monday, March 25, 2013

Joni and Friends Retreat

A year or two ago, I found out about Joni and Friends through a friend of mine, who has gone to some of their retreats in the past. It has inspired to to want to go to one, although it is expensive. But, I am willing to find a job/jobs to be able to pay for it myself.

These retreats are for people with disabilities, and for families as well. I think people without disabilities can go as well, but I am not sure.

I have been wanting to do more in my life, and this is one thing that is perfect for me. I love traveling, and the activities they have at these retreats are what I like to do. I am planning on going to one of the ones in Michigan, which is close by me.

I am a really shy person, so I hope that this retreat will help me become more outgoing in life. And more independent.

Plus, these retreats sound like a lot of fun. But, since I don't have a job yet, I can't pay for it myself. The one I want to go to is $400, which isn't too bad, but with the money my dad gives me for odd jobs around the house, I don't know if I'll be able to save enough in time to go.

Hopefully I can figure something out before then, because I really, really want to go. If I can't go this year, though, I will wait for next year's retreats. I am sure I will have enough money by then.

Well, that is all for now. More to come later.

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