Friday, December 15, 2017

Different is Beautiful

I am linking up with Kate Motaung for this week's Five Minute Friday.

Today's FMF is: Different

Why is different so bad?

Being different is what makes life beautiful.

If everyone and everything were the same

Life would not be the blessing that it is.

We are the way we are for a reason,

and no one should feel that that is bad.

Different doesn't necessarily mean bad, or wrong.

It means being who you are,

Doing what you love

Without the fear of others' opinions.

We just want to live the way we want to live,

Be who we are meant to be,

Without being judged for it.

Do not make people feel like

how they look,

How they talk, or dress,

Or live their life is wrong.

There are as many ways to live life,

To be different,

As there are people.

And that is how it is supposed to be.

Life would be much more enjoyable if people accepted each other's differences

As well as their own.


  1. Hi Diane,
    I'm before you in the link up for five minute Friday.

    "Life would be much more enjoyable if people accepted each other's differences

    As well as their own."

    I love what you wrote here. Especially the last sentence. I took it as accepting my cerebral palsy and what comes from it - like taking a while to do things. I'm slowly starting to see that my slowness is a gift. Even if some wnd myself wish I were a bit faster. God isn't in hurry and I shouldn't panic or feel bad about my slow. Thank you for the reminder. 💕


    Ps. I saw you have a bucket list for Texas. I've been there twice - last year and this one- to visit a friend. There's a huge half price books in Dallas, I think. You should add that to your list and whattaburger. And Brahm's. (Really good ice cream. ☺️) you're making me want to see some of those gardens and Jesus in cowboy boots. That sounds

  2. Hi Julia,
    I am so glad you got something positive out of my post! Thanks for commenting :) And I will definitely add those places to my Texas bucket list; thanks so much for the recommendations!!!
