Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Sending Off My Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Presents

Well, I finally went shopping for my OCC presents, and have put them together. Now, I just need to send them off, so they can brighten a child's life.

I heard about this a few years ago, when a local church had a sign out front about their participation in it. I wanted to do it ever since, but kept missing the drop-off dates. I also didn't know until this year that I could mail one to Samaritan's Purse all year round, until this year.

So, I finally got myself to get out and make one. Or two, in this case.
This year, I am making two, one for a girl, and one for a boy. Both are in the 5-9 year-old age range. In the future, I hope to give ones for all the age ranges they give these gifts to.
I had so much fun and joy putting these together, and can't wait to drop these off at the drop-off location in my area.

I don't know when exactly I will be dropping off my shoebox presents, but the collection is this week, so I have some time to get them there.

This is such an amazing organization, and I am so thankful I found out about it. They do something for others that is beyond words.

You can send shoeboxes in all year, as well, so if you would like more information, you can go here. Please consider doing this. It will make you feel soooo good, to know that a child who may not get anything otherwise, will definitely have something this year.

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