Thursday, December 31, 2020

My Top 10 Goals I Would Like To Accomplish By The End of 2021

I love making goals for myself, even though I don't achieve many of them (and the ones I do accomplish took longer than expected to achieve).

I have a lot of goals I would like to accomplish in life, but these are the ones I would like to work on, and/or complete this year.

  1. Save 2/3 of each paycheck
    I am one of those people that spends more than they save, and I want to change that.

  2. Be an STM at a Joni and Friends retreat
    I got to got to my very first Joni and Friends retreat in 2019, and instantly fell in love. I didn't get to go last year, obviously because of Covid, but I am hoping this year goes better, and that they will be able to be held this year.

  3. Get my bedroom redecorated (walls repainted, new bed, etc.)
    My bedroom has been the same since I was a kid, and I am tired of how it looks. 

  4. Travel to New York
    I have always wanted to go to New York, and I have been thinking about actually going for the last few years.

  5. Practice my cake/cookie/baked goods decorating skills more regularly
    I took baking and decorating classes in college, but have hardly used them since graduating. I would love to make more desserts and to decorate them, more often.

  6. Purchase a laptop for myself
    It is kind of frustrating when we have one working computer in the house, to use among four people, so I would love to be able to have my own computer/laptop

  7. Purchase a DSLR camera for myself
    Photography is one of my main passions, and I would like to get a good DSLR camera for myself, so I can learn how to take better pictures.

  8. Create a vision board
    I love vision boards, and I think it's a great idea having a board of things you would like to have/do/experience in your life, in a place where you can see it every day.

  9. Get into a loving, caring, healthy relationship with a significant other
    I am more than ready to be in a relationship, and I hope it happens sooner rather than later.

  10. Get my driver's license
    I am not confident in my driving ability, even though I have taken driver's ed in high school. I want to work on that, and be more independent. I don't want to have to rely on other people taking me places all the time.

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