Friday, October 26, 2018


I am linking up for this week's Five Minute Friday.

Today's FMF is: Moment

Each day is filled with many moments
Moments that shape a life
You never know what could happen
In those moments
But what is most important
Is making the most
Of the moments you have
It is the littlest thing in life
That can have the biggest
Impact in a life
Moments can quickly slip by
Without us noticing
If we let it
We all have to remind ourselves
To slow down once in a while
And take each moment in
Soak it up
Enjoy the time we have
One moment may not define us
But we can define a moment
By how we decide to spend our time
The moment we decide
To live our lives the way we want
Not how others say we should
We feel free from the limits in life
That prevent us from doing
The things we long
From making memories in the moment

1 comment:

  1. Love this: "One moment may not define us
    But we can define a moment"
    It is important to value the moments we have and to seek to use them well. Visiting from FMF #18.
