Monday, October 29, 2018

Afraid of Change, and of Staying the Same

I was recently watching an episode of Monk, and there was a scene where Monk was talking to the ghost of his late wife, telling her that he was afraid of change, and of staying the same.

It got me thinking about how I am the same way.

I really do not like change, and I sometimes have a hard time dealing with it, but I'm learning to accept change, and to live with it.

Changes are a part of life, and we have to learn that we can't do anything about it. Changes will come, whether or not we like it, and sometimes whether or not we're ready.

Changes can be good or bad, and sometimes people (including me) have a very hard time letting go of the past, of the memories, and of moving forward.

I am learning to move on, and deal with the changes as they come, but it is hard to do.

If something feels safe, comfortable, and if it works, we don't want to let that go for something new. We don't want to change what we already know works, if it doesn't feel like it needs to be changed. But, sometimes we also want to change, and staying the same can be boring, monotonous.

It's just that we don't know what happens with change, and all we know is what we've been doing, how we've been living, and changing just doesn't feel right. But we don't always want to do the same thing day after day.

It is just about finding the right balance of what works, what doesn't, and trying something new, something different every once in a while.

I love how a lot of shows keep it real, that they portay emotions and feelings, and events and all that, like it would happen in real life. That the characters, and what happens on the show, can somehow relate to real life situations.

So, thank you Monk, for being so relatable!!

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