Friday, October 23, 2020

Grief Letters

I have recently started attending Grief Share sessions via Zoom, and in this week's session, writing grief letters was one thing that was talked about in the video we watched.

A co-worker turned me on to Grief Share, and at first, I wasn't sure I wanted to attend, partly because my loss was so long ago, and also because I am not a talkative person, especially with people I don't know.

I decided to give it a try, though, and I am glad I did. Each session has good information to use in my own journey with loss and grief, no matter how long it has been.

The thought of writing grief letters to people, explaining the situation, and what I would need or want from someone, intrigued me.

I never really thought about doing something like that, but now that I heard about grief letters, I have already started writing a few to people in my life, letting them know about what is going on, and what I need.

I don't know which ones I will actually send/give to people, but actually having my wishes and thoughts written down in these letters definitely helps with the healing process. It's not in my head anymore, stressing me out. And people will know how they can help in my healing process.

Since I have a hard time talking (in general, not just about grief), writing these letters is perfect for me. I can say what is on my mind, and let my loved ones know what I want and need. I won't have to feel awkward for speaking up, or feel like I am being judged.

It was said in the video, and in the session, that we don't necessarily have to send the letters or give the letters to the people with whom they are for, but it helps with the grieving and healing process to get it all out.

Thank you to my co-worker, for sharing Grief Share with me. It does help with my journey, and I will absolutely use what I have gained from these sessions in my everyday life.

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