Friday, July 15, 2022

10 Goals I Would Like to Complete by the End of the Year

Since I am in between jobs right now, I am trying to motivate myself to be more productive at home. There are a few projects that I would like to work on, that take time to complete, and I know that the sooner I get started, the sooner they will be done.

Since I have a lot of time on my hands right now, it's the perfect time to work on at least one or two of these goals, so that I am not sitting around all day, wasting my time.

So, here are the ten goals that I would like to complete by the end of 2022:

  1. Get my bedroom cleaned up and redecorated
    This has been on my to-do list for ages, and I just never had any motivation to work on it, and get it done. My bedroom is a complete disaster, and it is stressing me out, so I want to get started (and finished, of course), as soon as possible, so I can be able to actually relax in my room.

  2. Get a new job
    I had to quit my job at my local library back in May, as I was dealing with a toxic person, so I am on the hunt again, for a new job. I have already started looking for a job, but have not applied to any yet, and I know that jobs can fill up pretty quick, so I really need to get going on applying.

  3. Get driving permit, and practice driving until I am confident in my abilities
    I took driving lessons in high school, but I have barely driven since, so I am not confident in my driving abilities. I would love to be able to get my license sometime, hopefully within the next year, so that I don't have to always rely on others to get me places.

  4. Get a tattoo in memory of my mom OR dye my hair purple
    I may have to wait a while to get a tattoo, because of my current situation, so I figured I would have a second option for this, which would be easier for me to accomplish.

  5. Learn Sign Language and Spanish
    I don't expect to be completely fluent, but I would like to learn a little every day, so I could communicate more with people, who are deaf/hard of hearing, and those who do not know much English.

  6. Knit/Crochet at least 3 items
    I love to knit and crochet, yet I don't do either very much. I miss working on something, when I have finished a project, and would love to knit and crochet on a more regular basis. I had learned how to knit first, and then learned how to crochet as well, when I was confident in my knitting abilities, and I love both the same.

  7. Donate unwanted clothes, accessories, media (books, DVDs, CDs), etc.
    I have so much stuff, a lot of it that I don't use or wear, and it is overwhelming. I have started going through my clothes, to see what I want to keep and give away. Hopefully I can go through the rest of my stuff within the next couple of months, and donate the things I don't want anymore.

  8. Get better at baking and cake decorating
    I went to school for baking, and have hardly made use of what I have learned. I want to improve my skills, as I am still not very good at some things, like decorating. I love doing hands-on activities like this, as I get to make things, and it's fun as well. I get to be creative with what I make, which I love! I don't practice the skills I learned nearly enough, and I want to change that.

  9. Learn how to cook better
    I am ok at cooking, but I would like to be better. I can make the basics, like macaroni and cheese, grilled cheese, pasta, and other easy foods, but I would like to included more foods, that can take more time and skills to make, and become more confident in what I can do.

  10. Create an exercise routine that works for me
    For quite some time now, I have not been taking very good of myself, and that needs to change. I plan on figuring out what exercises I can do, that I like, and that I would be able to keep doing on a regular basis.
What are some goals that you would like to complete this year?

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