Monday, November 18, 2019

My Biggest Dreams in Life

I have many things I would love to be able to do in life, but some of my dreams are bigger than others, and I hope I get to be able to do them sooner than others.

In no particular order, here are my biggest dreams:

Getting my baking and pastry degree
I have my culinary certificate, and am now aiming for my baking and pastry degree, as this is one of my biggest passions.

Live on my own
I have never lived on my own, and I have been at that stage for quite some time. But, things have prevented me from being able to do that. It would be nice to be able to live independently, and to be able to support myself without having to necessarily rely on others.

Getting married
I have always wanted to get married, and start a family of my own. I am more than ready for this to happen, and I hope it happens soon.

Having kids
I have always wanted to have kids, and would love to have my own one day. I want to have at least one boy and one girl, but I do want to have two boys, and two girls.

Traveling to new places
I love traveling, and have traveled a lot, but it was mainly to the same few places. I want to be able to travel to lots more places in the future, especially to other countries, as I have never been outside of the U.S. before.

Writing and publishing at least one book
I am very shy and introverted, so writing is one of my biggest passions. It is probably my favorite way to express myself, as it gives me a place to put down what's on my mind. I have been wanting to write and publish a book for years, but I just haven't been inspired yet.

Becoming fluent in Spanish, Italian, and Sign Language
I have a hard time with languages, but I would love to at least be fluent in these three, as I love foreign languages. I would also love to be able to connect with more people, to be able to have conversations with more people.

Getting my photography degree
Another passion of mine is photography. I love capturing moments, and having those moments forever.

Opening up my own bakery, or at least working at a bakery
I have a dream of opening up my own bakery (with mainly sweets), but I am just as happy to just work at one.

Get better at decorating cakes and cookies
I am not that good at cake decorating, but I think that is because of my lack of practice. I want to be able to feel more comfortable in my decorating skills, and not feel like it's no good.

Participate in Wheels for the World
Wheels for the World is a Joni and Friends event, that collects and gives out wheelchairs to those who are in need of one. I have met people through another Joni and Friends event, the family retreats, that have gone on a Wheels for the World trip, and it looks so awesome!!

Become more comfortable speaking
Since I am so shy, I hate speaking, unless I am around friends or people I feel comfortable talking with. I want to feel more comfortable and at ease talking, and not feeling awkward, or feeling like I am being judged.

Go to concerts of my favorite musical artists
I have never been to the concert of a big musician before, and would love to be able to go to one (or more) someday.

Go to a Broadway play
I have never been to a Broadway play, and would love to go to one (or more!).

Go to a Globetrotters game
Yes, I know they are just a "for fun" team, but I would love to see them in person.

Well, those are my biggest dreams. I hope they come true, and soon. What are your big dreams?

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