Wednesday, August 23, 2023

My Week at Joni and Friends Family Retreat 2023: Days 5 and 6

Well, it's on to days 5 and 6, the last two days of camp.

On Thursday, we had our usual STM morning devotions and prayers, and breakfast afterwards.

After breakfast, we had an accessible worship, where those who wanted to, could come up on stage to sing along with the leaders. It's always a favorite of mine, watching the accessible worship.

After that, the other sweet shop people and I helped set up the sweet shop for the women's lunch that afternoon. When we were done with that, we were given the rest of the morning off, to relax.

I decided to sit in on morning programming again, with the high schoolers.

When I got there, they were putting aluminum foil on, to look like the armor of God, and then they made a keychain/bracelet/necklace with mini shoes, to represent walking in the truth.

Again, I was allowed to make my own shoe keychain, which I enjoyed making.

We then had lunch, and afternoon activities.

While manning the sweet shop, the person that was in charge kindly gave me the rest of the afternoon off, so I first went down to see the horses that the campers get to ride, and then sat on the beach for a while.

Once I got back to the main area where most of the others were, I saw one of the leaders on the lawn, with a kiddie pool filled with a bunch of those water bead things. I decided to hang out with her for a bit, while I decided what else I wanted to do.

While there, the behavior specialist came by, and I asked her if I would be allowed to do at least one of the activities that were available.

She said yes, and took me down to where the ropes course and the zip line were, and I decided to try the ropes course first, as I had never done one before.

So, I put the harness and helmet on and started climbing up to the first level (there were two levels, but I only wanted to do the first one).

I am very afraid of heights, so I actually started to get scared, and started shaking a bit. I started to slow down as I got closer to the platform, and when I looked down, I saw that two of the main leaders had come by to watch me, which I didn't mind. 

I eventually gave up on the ropes course, because I got too scared, so I climbed back down. I do plan on trying again, though, the next time I'm at camp!

After sitting down for a few minutes to calm my nerves, I decided to go on the zipline. I went on it last year, so I knew I could do it again. 

One of the leaders that came down to watch me, filmed me doing the zipline, which I'm glad she did! I love having these things to look back on.

After the afternoon activities were over, we had dinner, and then a talent show.

That lasted for about an hour and a half and is always fun to watch. After that, we had the sweet shop open, which I helped man with the others, and karaoke in another room.

Then came Friday, the last day of camp. I was NOT ready for it to be over!

We didn't have morning devotions, as it was the last day, but we had breakfast, a closing ceremony where the families and campers got to share their experiences, and then the families left. There was a final STM debrief after the families left, but I couldn't go, as one of the families offered to drive me home.

They overheard me telling one of the other STMs that I couldn't find a ride home, and kindly offered to take me home. Which I am so thankful for, as it was a huge weight lifted off my shoulders (I don't have my driver's license yet, and I do plan on getting it one of these days).

While I was waiting to go home, I decided to check out the gift shop that they had in the lodge (which is where I was staying while at camp). I bought a small blue and purple teddy bear, as well as a bracelet that says Grace on it.

I also purchased a few things from the bookstore that was in the sweetshop: a drawstring bag, a Joni and Friends keychain, a bracelet with this year's camp theme on it (Fearless), and one other thing I can't think of at the moment.

Overall, camp was amazing this year!! I hope I get to go again next year, as well. It is such a beautiful experience, that I am so thankful I took the chance to take.

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