Friday, April 9, 2021

My Spring Bucket List

Now that spring is here, and that it is getting warmer (and nicer) out, there are more things I would like to do in the coming days/weeks/months. 

I get bored very easily, and am always looking for things to do. So, hopefully with the nicer weather comes the motivation to do more of the things I want to do.

In no particular order, here is what I would like to do this spring.

Dye my hair purple
I have been wanting to dye my hair for ages, especially purple, as that is my favorite color. I tried doing this last year, but for some reason, it didn't work out. I used dyes that didn't necessarily need to have bleach used before, but I think because my hair is too dark, the color didn't show up. I am planning on trying again, with bleach/a hair lightening process, to see how that goes.

Ride my bike at least 2x a week
Bike riding is one of my favorite ways to exercise, and now that it is warming up outside, I can start riding my bike again. I want to try and ride 2 days a week, and go from there.

Work on cleaning up my room
I am not a neat freak, and my room is proof of that. I have had zero motivation to clean it up, though, and I want to work on that. I can never keep my room cleaned, and I am hoping I can figure out ways to change that, so I don't have this big of a problem anymore (I have a lot of stuff to go through, and it is overwhelming).

Crochet or knit at least 3 projects
I love to make things, but I don't do this nearly as often as I want to. The last things I made were a sweater for my dad, back in December, and a cape for myself (that isn't finished yet). Crocheting and knitting really helps me relax, and it is worth it when I see the finished product.

Practice cake decorating skills
I went to school for baking and cake decorating, and yet I have hardly used those skills. I think it is time I get back into the swing of things, and make it worth all the effort I put in at school.

Learn how to apply makeup
I have never bothered to apply makeup (or to just wear makeup in general), and I have been wanting to learn for a while now. I really want to get creative, and try different looks to see how it looks on me.

Plant veggies and flowers
Veggies and flowers tend to die after a while at the hands of my family and I, but I want to try again this year with a garden. I love seeing things grow, and to be able to get something out of planting things. I want to learn how to properly take care of plants, to have them live longer, and to have something beautiful to look at every day.

Read 3 new-to-me books
I love to read, and would like to branch out of my go-to genres/books, and read something new.

What are some things you would like to do this spring?

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