Monday, June 24, 2019

Joni and Friends Maranatha Family Retreat 2019

I was finally able to go to a Joni and Friends Retreat, and I am SOOO grateful that I got to go!! I had been wanting to go for a few years, but wasn't able to go financially until this year.

These retreats serve people with disabilities, and their families, for a week of fun and relaxation.

I went to the second week of the retreat, from Sunday, June 16 to Friday, June 21.

The week or so leading up to camp, I was nervous, as this was my first time staying somewhere completely on my own. I am normally a very shy and introverted person, so this was something that was way out of my comfort zone.

Plus, with this being my first Joni and Friends Retreat, I didn't know what to expect.

But, the moment I got there, and met the people where were serving there as well, I was at ease, and instantly felt comfortable there.

On Sunday, we had training in preparation for when the campers/families came on Monday. We learned what to do in the event we are in a situation where we would need help. We also learned about the activities that would go on during camp, Then in the evening we had a bonfire on the beach, and were able to make s'mores, talk, and relax.

Monday morning was our final training session, as well as getting ready for when the families and campers came. Then, they came in the afternoon, and we had an ice cream social when everyone arrived.

I had Tuesday morning off, so I was able to just relax after worship (for STMs) and breakfast, and check out the grounds. Then I worked the sweet shop for a few hours in the afternoon, with a couple other people. Then it was dinner, and a family fun night. They had bouncy houses, a horse-drawn hay ride, pie for people who wanted some, and a few other fun things. I got to go on the hay ride, which made me really happy (I LOVE horses!!!). I then helped out in the sweet shop for an hour in the evening.

Wednesday was worship for the STMs, breakfast, then I had a break until lunch. I then went to the sweet shop to help prepare for an adult dinner party. There was a petting zoo going on at the same time at the dinner, and I was allowed to check it out. There were goats, sheep, rabbits, chicken, baby chicks, a pig, and geese! I helped out again in the sweet shop for an hour in the evening.

Thursday was worship, breakfast, an accessible worship for everyone, another break for me until lunch, where I helped set up for a women's lunch, then I helped in the sweet shop. Then it was dinner (after a break), a talent show (which I loved!!), and karaoke. I again helped out at the sweet shop in the evening, while the karaoke was going on. The sweet shop was very busy during that time, but it was fun.

Friday was the last day of the retreat, so we packed up our belongings, had breakfast, those with a camper/family helped them pack up and check out, then there was a closing ceremony, and us STMs had a debried, lunch, and a clean up of the place.

I am so grateful that I finally got to go this year. By Thursday, I was not wanting to go home, and was very sad that it was just about over. I made some wonderful friends during my time there, that I will miss dearly while not at retreat, and I very much hope that I get to go again next year.

This retreat has brought me out of my shell a little more, as well as bringing me well out of my comfort zone, which I was hoping would happen. I truly enjoyed serving at retreat, and will miss it very much until next year.

To those who made me feel more at ease, more comfortable, and less shy at retreat, I cannot express just how much you mean to me, just how much what you have done for me means. I truly appreciate it, and will never forget it!! Thank you so much!!!

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