Sunday, August 25, 2024

Get Organized HQ Virtual 2024

I am so excited about this year's Get Organized HQ Virtual! This is my fourth year attending, and I love learning new tips and tricks to help me get organized in my house, and in life in general.

I heard about this event from another blogger a few years ago, and I decided to check it out, as it sounded interesting. I am so glad I did, as it was so informative, fun, and exactly what I needed.

At this event, there are speakers who talk about tips for decluttering, organizing ideas, crafts, faith, self-care, meal planning and prepping, tips for parents as well as empty nesters, and more.

There is always something to learn every year, and many of the speakers have bonuses for those who attend the event. There are even giveaways for items that help keep your home clean and organized.

Even though this is my fourth year attending this event, I feel like I could always learn more, to see what would work for me.

You can find more information about Get Organized HQ, here.

You can also find more information about GOHQ Virtual and to get your free ticket here, if you are interested in checking it out. 

Or you can purchase an All-Access Pass here and get instant and lifetime access to the event.

There are 100+ speakers at this event, so there may be some tips and tricks that don't relate to you and your situation, so don't feel like you have to watch every single video. You can pick and choose which ones you feel like would most benefit you. 

That is one of the best things about this event. You don't have to get to everything, if it's not something that would work for you.

If you decide to get a ticket, I hope that you will be able to learn something at this event, and that you are able to find something that can help you have a cleaner, more organized home that you can feel good about. 

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