Monday, January 29, 2024

2024 Goals (A Little More Specific)

I have been thinking a lot about my goals, and figured I would like to be a little more specific with what I want to accomplish this year.

I have split them up into categories, to make it easier to find each goal, and to see how I want to grow in each category. Hopefully this will be the year that I actually work on many of these goals, as I tend to procrastinate a lot. And I want to change that.

These are in no particular order, but here is a somewhat more detailed list of my goals for 2024.

Talk to at least one friend/family member a day
Have a few game nights with friends
Go on at least one trip with friends
Be in a loving, healthy relationship with a significant other
Go on adventures with friends/family/significant other
Make crafts together
Make new friends

Save more than I spend
Be wiser about the things I purchase/how much I purchase
Learn how to budget
Build up an emergency fund
Work towards becoming financially stable/independent
Track my spending

Update my resume
Find a job that I love, that works for me
Stand up for myself/speak up, if something isn't right
Try networking
Develop skill sets
Gain new experiences
Improve work relationships
Learn to set boundaries
Gain hands-on experience in fields that I am interested in
Start a new degree

Eat a more balanced diet
Some form of exercise every day (30-45 minutes a day)
Improve my daily hygiene habits
Drink more water every day
Improve my posture
Do a regular digital detox
Create a skincare routine that works for me
Create a haircare routine that works for me

Get bedroom cleaned up
Redecorate bedroom
Keep bedroom clean
Declutter as much stuff as possible, that I don't need/want anymore
Create an ICE (In Case of Emergency) binder

Learn to speak up more
Don't worry about what others think of me
Pray every day
Deepen my faith
Deepen my relationship with God, Jesus
Do one thing a month, that is out of my comfort zone
Spend less time online (maybe down to 1 or 2 hours a week)
Learn Spanish a little each day
Learn how to play one song on the violin a week
Read up to 3 chapters of a book each day  
Get over my fear of driving (more specifically, of hitting someone or something), get more comfortable driving, and finally get my driver's license
Knit or crochet at least one item a month
Develop better social skills
Improve my public speaking skills
Work on my procrastination

I know this is a lot, but I want to at least get started on some, and complete others, depending on how long each goal takes to complete.

Hopefully I can actually make changes in my life, as things are slow for me now. I am in a sort of waiting/in-between period, and I am ready to really live my life. I am done with feeling like I am failing in life and am ready to do more. To be more than someone who is waiting for something to happen, instead of actually doing it.

Have you set any goals for 2024? How are you doing in achieving them?

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