If you don't already know, I love making lists, and goals/bucket lists are no exception.
For a while now, I have been thinking about what I would like to do in 2022, and lots of things came to mind.
In no particular order, here is my 2022 goals/bucket list:
- Get my driver's permit, and practice driving
- Be an STM at a Joni and Friends Retreat (maybe even 2)
- Go to a Joni and Friends Walk 'n Roll
- Visit a friend in another state
- Get a tattoo in memory of my mom
- Get a second piercing in each ear
- Get bedroom cleaned up
- Redecorate my bedroom (paint walls/ceiling, new bed, put computer desk together, etc.)
- Paint on a regular basis
- Work on writing a book
- Go ice skating
- Go sledding
- Learn to sew
- Learn Sign Language
- Learn Spanish
- Get a DSLR camera
- Be in regular contact with my friends
- Go to at least one concert/event
- Learn how to make macarons
- Crochet/knit on a more regular basis
- Play the violin on a regular basis
- Do at least 4 things out of my comfort zone
- Cook Thanksgiving dinner
- Read the bible in a year
- Learn how to apply my own makeup
- Learn to film and edit videos
- Have my own YouTube channel, and post on a regular basis
- Be in a healthy, loving relationship with a significant other
- Decorate my bedroom for Christmas
- Grow more in my faith
- Make a t-shirt blanket with the t-shirts I want to use for this project
- Make meaningful gifts for friends, family
- Declutter my digital photos
- Binge watch Outlander
- Binge watch Call the Midwife
- Update my resume
- Learn to barbecue
- Draw with sidewalk chalk
- Fly a kite
- Go to the beach
- See the zoo holiday lights
- Read the entire bible in a year
- Spend a day (or more) in the city
- Make recipe binders
- Learn how to make macrame
- Go out for ice cream
- Try a sensory deprivation tank
- Pack and send shoebox presents for Operation Christmas Child
- Learn how to French braid
- Learn how to do a fishtail braid
- Figure out how to best take care of myself (exercise routine, mental health days, etc.), and keep up a regular routine
- Donate unwanted DVDs, CDs, and other unwanted items still in good condition
- Put together and decorate a gingerbread house
- Create an emergency fund and use it only for that
- Create a vision board/book
- Be a tourist in my own town
- Have one technology-free day a week, and find other things to do
- Write in my prayer journal on a more regular basis
- Create a self-care routine and keep it up
- Learn how to be a better friend
- Track money spent
- Increase my confidence/self-esteem
- Learn one new word a day
- Refresh my grammar and spelling skills
- Become more comfortable talking to people/more comfortable with public speaking
- Visit New York
- Learn to play the piano
- Relearn how to play the guitar, and play on a regular basis
- Write at least one song
- See the Harlem Globetrotters in person
- Figure out more topics to blog about, and post at least once a week
- Dye my hair purple
- Complete a video game
- Learn Tunisian crochet
- Practice yoga 3x a week