I have decided to make 'goals' for 2017, instead of resolutions, in the hopes of actually achieving them, and to inspire me to work at them.
Without further ado, here are my 2017 goals:
- Get my driver's license
- Pass my classes (C or better)
- Get a job that I will love (preferably in a bakery)
- Eat twice as much healthy food and half as much unhealthy food than I do now
- Learn how to sew
- Try out a regular running routine
- Take up yoga and practice regularly
- Take self defense classes
- Practice cake decorating skills once a week
- Write in a journal regularly again
- Contact my friends on a regular basis, just to see how they are doing (email, text, call, etc.)
- Go to bed by midnight each night
- Wake up by 9 am each morning
- Learn to love myself more
- Become more outgoing by doing things out of my comfort zone
- Save up for a DSLR camera
- Start and maintain an essential oils routine
- Take 30 minute walks 4 to 5 days a week, if possible
- Take better care of, and keep better track of, my possessions
- Get bedroom cleaned up, and keep it clean
- Get into a relationship with someone who will love me for me, who will support me
- Bullet journal better
- Learn how to cook better
- Learn how to cook/bake new recipes, cook/bake at least least 2 times a week
- Learn Spanish again, and become fluent in it (both in speaking it, and reading it)
- Learn Italian, and become fluent in in (both in speaking it, and reading it)
- Save up for, and buy, a full-size violin
- Take more photographs, and learn how to take better photographs
- Read at least two books a month