Tuesday, November 15, 2016

My Life Bucket List: Dating and Relationships

Find, and be in a relationship with, someone who will love me for who I am
Have my first kiss
Go on an ice cream date
Go on an ice skating date
Go on a picnic date
Go on a dinner and movie date
Take at least one cooking class together
Go on a date to the zoo
Dance in the rain
Kiss in the rain
Have a baking date
Have a water gun fight
Go on a road trip together
Go on a mini golf date
Ride in a horse drawn carriage together
Go camping together
Go swimming at night together
Cook meals together
Take photos in a photo booth
Play board, card, video games together
Get frozen yogurt together
Go on a bowling date
Go on a museum date
Go on a go-carting date
Go to a baseball game together
Go on a carnival date
Have a silly string fight
Bike ride together
Take dance lessons
Go to a football game together
Volunteer together
Go on walks together
Write each other letters
Build snowmen together
Go sledding together
Make a gingerbread house together
Put puzzles together
Go to Medieval Times
Play laser tag
Go horseback riding
Go to a pumpkin patch
Have a breakfast date
Spend a day at a waterpark
Spend a day in the city
Go on a beach date
Take a painting class
Spend the day at an amusement park
Go to the local farmer's market
Build something at Build-a-Bear
Go on a Disney date
Have date night q and a's
Decorate mugs for each other
Make marshmallow guns and have a marshmallow war
Breakfast in bed
Go berry picking
Take a pottery class
Participate in Operation Christmas Child
Drive in movie date
Learn to argue with each other without it getting out of hand
Learn to speak up for myself if something in the relationship makes me uncomfortable
Fix our favorite dishes/desserts
Create a "love jar" and write notes every day to each other
Become comfortable holding hands in public
365 Note Jar (Pink: reasons why I love you; Blue: we're doing this; Green: quotes and lyrics; Yellow: memories), one note read each day
Write Open When... letters to each other
Write love letters to each other

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