Tuesday, September 30, 2014

15 Things About Me

One of my favorite artists, Jonathan Antoine (runner up on Britain's Got Talent), recently posted a list of 15 things about him, that he thought we'd like to know about him (which you can read here, if you want). That inspired me to do the same thing.

So, here goes my list of 15 things I thought I'd like you guys to know about me.

  1. I prefer animals to people. I don't hate people or anything. I'm just a shy person by nature, and animals aren't as judgmental.
  2. I LOVE photography! I usually take photos of nature, but I will take pictures of other things as well.
  3. I have NEVER moved in my life. I have lived in the same house, on the same block, in the same neighborhood, in the same town, in the same state, since I was born. Someday, though, I would love to live on a farm, and also live in a foreign country for a year.
  4. I am more of a country girl than a city girl, even though I've lived in a city my whole life.
  5. I love baseball and hockey.
  6. I also really love words, and writing.
  7. There are several things I want to be: a baker (which I am currently working towards), a photographer, a special education teacher, and an author.
  8. Science and art were my favorite subjects in school.
  9. I have never been outside of the U.S. before, but I came close to the U.S./Canada border several years ago.
  10. My favorite artist is Andrea Bocelli.
  11. My favorite animal is the horse.
  12. I love spicy food.
  13. For some odd reason, I love making lists. I don't know why.
  14. I do NOT like cold weather. At all.
  15. For a while now, I have been a home body. I'm not big on going out, but I have no objections to going to events. If it interests me.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Fun Weekend

This weekend was pretty busy for me.

Saturday was my ten year high school reunion. It was at a restaurant called Bar Louie. I have been to the one near me, and they have good food. It's a really nice place.

There was a pretty good turnout for the reunion. I went to it with a friend of mine, and a few other friends were there too.

One classmate actually remembered me, even though we didn't really have a lot of classes together. It felt good that she actually remembered me, and wanted to say hi.

Then on Sunday, I went to a local fall fest with a friend. I have gone to it a few other times, and it is pretty fun.

I always try and get a pumpkin there, every time I go. This year, I did get one. Although, they only had small ones this time (not the really tiny ones, just smaller ones than usual). That's ok. I'm happy that I got a pumpkin.

Every year, they have someone dress up as a scarecrow, there are crafts for kids to do, snacks, and this year, they had the local pool's new mascots there, walking around and greeting everyone. I even got a picture with them, which was cool!

I was tired after the reunion (I didn't get home until a little after midnight), so I was a little sleepy while at the fall fest, but I still had a great time.

I really enjoyed this weekend, although it will be a while before I have a weekend like this again. I need time to wind down after all this.

I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend, and that this coming week is just as enjoyable.

Friday, September 26, 2014

My Fall Bucket List

Well, it is officially Fall.

So, I have decided to make a bucket list of things I want to do this fall. And here they are.

  • Make and drink hot chocolate
  • Go to the local fall fest
  • Go to my high school reunion
  • Paint/carve a pumpkin
  • Make at least one pumpkin pie
  • Go on a hay ride
  • Do a Harry Potter movie marathon
  • Make s'mores
  • Roast pumpkin seeds
  • Take photos in a pile of leaves
  • Start on sweater for dad
  • Make some gloves
  • Make some scarves
  • Make some hats
  • Collect fall leaves and make a collage
  • Donate to local food bank
  • Make homemade apple pie
  • Plant flower/vegetable seeds for the spring
This is what I was able to think of for now. I'm sure I will be adding more at some point.

I am actually going to be doing one of these tomorrow; I am going to my high school reunion with a few friends, and am looking forward to it.

So, what is on your bucket list for the fall season?

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Honoring the Service Animals of 9/11

This past Thursday, I went over to a neighbor's house for their dog and cat toy craft. It was in honor of the animals that helped find people after the 9/11 attacks. They had invited me last week, and I am so glad I went.

We made:

Dog and cat fleece beds. This one is for a dog. I had told my neighbor that I had always wanted to make one of these, and she let me take a couple home for my cats. I put this in one of their favorite spots, and my cats absolutely LOVE them!!

Cat cork toys, which we could decorate with pipe cleaners, feathers, and ribbon if we wanted.

Braided rope dog toys, which are made out of old t-shirts.

Catnip sachets, made with pieces of fabric, string, catnip, and cotton balls.
These were all very easy to make, and I plan to make more someday. These are for shelter pets, who I was very happy to make these toys for.
I got a hug out of this, from my neighbor's son, when I left to go home (he wasn't even asked or told to do this; he did it of his own accord!). Which was really nice.
I hope we can do this again sometime, as I really enjoyed the day.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Thirteen Years Since 9/11

it has been thirteen years since the terrorist attacks.

Even though I wasn't directly affected by the attacks (I didn't have any friends or family members in the area when the attacks happened), I was stunned by what had happened.

I remember being in first period World History my sophomore year of high school. A boy in my class had come in late, and said that the first tower had been hit.

I had been running late that morning, so I wasn't able to listen to the news, so I wasn't sure if it was true.

During second period Spanish, my teacher went online to find out whether or not it was true, and when she said it was, I was stunned.

My 4/5 period geometry teacher let us watch the news during the whole class period, and I was horrified by what I saw.

To those who were directly affected by these attacks, I pray that you can see the good in each day, and that there are those who truly care for you, and love you.

You are not alone. There are so many people around the world who stand with you on this day, and every day. Please take comfort in that.

I know it hurts, but try to live every day to the fullest, and know that if you lost a loved one that day, they are in a better place, where nothing can ever hurt them anymore, and that they would want you to keep going.

Of course I wish these attacks NEVER happened, that it shouldn't take a tragedy like this to bring people together, but it just goes to show how strong a nation can be under these kinds of situations.

We will not be brought down, we will not forget, we are a strong nation.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Finding Vivian Maier

Yesterday, I went with a group of other women. through a Meetup group, to go see Finding Vivian Maier in theaters.

I am major photography nut, so this was a perfect thing to see.

Finding Vivian Maier is about a woman, Vivian Maier, who worked as a nanny, and secretly took over 100,000 photos of everyday life.

Most of her photos were never printed until after her death in 2009. A man had found her film in an auction sale, and decided to make that a project of his.

It was very interesting to hear about Vivian Maier. A man I volunteer with had told me about this film a while ago, but I couldn't remember what the title of the movie was.

When I saw this event on Meetup, I knew I just had to go to it. And I was very happy I did.