Friday, October 18, 2013

Five Minute Friday: Laundry

I am linking up with Lisa-Jo Baker for today's Five Minute Friday.

Today's FMF: Laundry

Laundry...something you can never get away from. Just when you think you're done, another pile of clothes pops up, that needs to be cleaned. It is a never-ending chore, that I'm sure a lot of people wish they don't have to do.

The more people living with you, the more laundry there is. But, it sure is nice to have clean clothes to wear on a daily basis.

Having clean clothes helps me feel good, and makes me feel better about myself, even just a little bit. Nobody would be judging me about having stained, smelly clothes on.

I used to not like doing laundry, because my mom would make me do it, which was not fun. Now, I don't mind so much, because I'm not forced to do it.

The good thing about laundry, is that once you put a load in to be washed, you can get other things done while you're waiting. And I like that.


  1. You are so can NEVER get away from laundry! It chases you!! LOL...have a great weekend!!

  2. You never get done with laundry, after all, you are wearing it now! I am just grateful that I don't have to wash clothes in the river with a washboard! You got to love how the socks hide everywhere and you never find all the pairs! I swear the washer eats them for breakfast!

    1. Yeah, I don't get why socks love doing that. It's crazy. But, I'm also grateful I don't have to use a washboard in the river to wash my clothes. Thanks for stopping by!

  3. laundry: the never ending chore - the never ending blessing. the more you have, the more you are loved. beautiful. thank you for sharing, Diane!

  4. It's never ending. Glad you learned to like doing it. I never really did. Glad my husband is good at doing it! :)

    1. One of my brothers loves doing it. So, if he wants to do a load or two, I figured I'd let him do the laundry whenever he wants. But, I don't mind doing it every once in a while. I'm glad you have someone who is good at it!
