I am probably the most awkward, shyest, and most introverted person anyone would ever meet.
If I had the choice (which, at the moment, I actually do have the choice), I would spend as much time as possible at home, doing what I wanted, without dealing with other people.
Mostly because I prefer the quiet, the less busy days, and I don't like to be rushed or have multiple things going on at once.
Although, I do want to change that and go out more, do more things, meet more people, have more experiences in my life. So, I decided to make a list of things I would like to do, that would bring me out of my comfort zone (and my shell). Or at least, a list of ideas of things I am willing to do/try.
In no particular order, here is that list:
- Learn how to not be so afraid to do the things I want to
- Surfing
- Indoor skydiving
- Become comfortable with public speaking
- Visit New York
- Start up a conversation with someone I want to get to know
- Do some form of exercise outdoors
- Start my own business/side project
- Write a book and get it published
- Take up a martial art
- Go on a roller coaster/ride that scares me
- Start a YouTube channel and post regularly
- Try snowboarding
- Shave my head (yes, I really want to do this!)
- Learn sign language
- Learn Spanish
- Learn Italian
- Participate in a photo shoot with me in front of the camera
- Get a tattoo in memory of my mom
- Get tattoos in memory of my grandparents
- Get a tattoo in honor of my parents' marriage
- Get a tattoo/tattoos in memory of my pets
- Get my nose pierced
- Learn archery
- Hold a spider (I am VERY afraid of spiders)
- Swim with dolphins
- Write my own songs
- Go paintballing
- Go white water rafting
- Go on a helicopter ride
- Skydeck Ledge at Willis Tower
- Visit the Grand Canyon
- Try a ropes course
- See Hamilton in person
- See Aladdin live
- See The Book of Mormon live
- See The Lion King live
- Become proficient in playing the violin, and record myself playing songs
- Become proficient in playing the guitar
- Become proficient in playing the ukulele
- Become proficient in playing the piano
- Dye my hair purple
- Ride a motorcycle
- Get my driver's license
- Get into a relationship with a significant other
- Move into my own place
- Meet a favorite actor/band/artist, and ask them for their autograph
- Learn how to make macarons
- Go on a picnic by myself
- Jump off a diving board/platform
- Relax in a sensory deprivation tank
- Take a pottery class
- Ride a camel
- Volunteer abroad
- Learn self defense
- Learn to change a tire
- Get my passport, and visit a foreign country by myself/with friends
- See Blue Man Group in person
- Become financially independent
- Foster animals
- Live in another country for a year
- Volunteer at a food bank
- Sponsor a child in need
- Become comfortable with reaching out to friends on a regular basis, to see how they are doing, and invite them to go on an outing with me
- See the Nutcracker ballet
- See the Globetrotters in person
- Get married
- Have kids of my own
- Stop caring what others think of me
- Volunteer with Wheels for the World
- Love my body enough to take better care of it (eat more healthy foods, exercise on a more regular basis, etc.)
- Purchase my first car/vehicle
- Grow my hair out as long as possible, and take good care of it
- Attend an NHL game
- Learn how to do a handstand
- Learn how to stop impulse buying
- Get another piercing in each ear
- Start a travel savings account
- Learn Photo Shop
- Learn graphic design
- Do a color run
- Try acupuncture
- Go to a country music concert (I grew up listening to country music, yet have never gone to a concert)
- Learn how to mend clothes, other items
- Pay for a stranger's meal/bill/groceries
- Go for 1-mile bike rides, then 2-mile rides once comfortable with that, then eventually go on up to 5-mile rides
- Learn how to apply my own makeup (be good at it) and find the right shades/colors for my skin tone
- Get a facial
- Get my back cracked (yes, I want to do this!)
- Host a game night
- Send flowers to a friend
- Learn how to cook better
- Learn how to bake better
- Improve my cake decorating skills
- Learn how to bake bread
- Unplug completely for 24 hours
- Buy a DSLR camera, and learn how to use it
- Adopt and take care of at least one dog
- Adopt and take care of two birds
- Adopt and take care of two rabbits
- Become more comfortable with making and receiving phone calls
I may add more, but I am happy with what I have here.
I know it's a lot, but I am done being afraid of doing what I really want to do, and am ready to break free of my comfort zone.
What are things you would like to do, that are out of your comfort zone?