I found the idea for this post somewhere online, and wanted to write a post about it.
So, here are 3 things I would do if I weren't afraid:
So, here are 3 things I would do if I weren't afraid:
- Speak up for myself more
I am a very shy and introverted person, so I don't speak up very much, unless I am with friends and family, or around people I am comfortable speaking with.
I am always thinking/worried about what others would think of me when I say something, so a lot of the things I want to say, stays unsaid, just because I'm afraid of others' opinions of me.
I care way too much about what others think of me. And it holds me back from doing the things I want to do, and saying the things I want to say.
And I really want to change that. - Have/make more friends
Because of my shyness, I don't have many friends. I think people think I'm not worth being friends with, because of who I am, and it makes me even less inclined to go up to people and talk to them.
The friends I do have are great, but lately I have been feeling lonely, like I don't have any real friends.
I don't want to be popular, I just want to have more friends, true friends, that I can connect with, have fun with, and make amazing memories with. - Live my own life
I have been able to do some things on my own, without relying on other people, but many things have been done by/with others. I tend to not want to do a lot of things unless someone I know is with me, and I want to change that (I do love doing things with people, but I also want to do more things on my own).
I want to do more things for myself, without having to rely on others to get them done.
I want to live a life worth living, a life that is my own. I want to live my life my way.