I have a strong desire to be a teacher (more specifically, a special education teacher), which I have had for years now.
Yet, I never really liked school all that much.
At least, not until I got to college.
I started out with going for my education degree, but I didn't do well, so I switched (I just graduated with my culinary certificate; yes, I know, completely different fields).
I have a learning disability, and am very shy and introverted, so those combined contributed to me not doing well in school, which in turn made me not like school.
There were parts of school that I really liked (Girl Scouts, art, music, lunch, recess, field trips), but overall it wasn't the best of experiences for me.
I am one of those people who doesn't like attention on me, so being a teacher doesn't make much sense in that aspect.
Yet, despite all of these things, I still really want to be a teacher.
And I am seriously considering trying again for my teaching degree.
There are services for people with disabilites, that can help them in the classroom, as they take classes, so that would definitely help me out.
But, I would have to work on my shyness, fear of public speaking, and my not wanting attention on myself.
I have also considered being a teacher's aide, so if I decide not to be the main teacher, I still have this option.
I think part of the reason why I want to be a teacher, is because I have a learning disability, and I want students to have a teacher that can understand where they are coming from in that aspect. That they have a teacher who also had a different way of leraning.
Also, some of my friends had disabilities, so that is part of my desire.
Hopefully, if I go through this again, it will work out this time, and I can help students be and do they best that they can. That they deserve to get the best education they can.