I am lining up with Kate Motaung for
this week's Five Minute Friday.
This week's FMF is: Accept
Why is it so hard for people to let others live their lives the way they want? To accept them for who they are?
Why is it so hard for us to accept ourselves as we are? It's not as if one life is worth more or less than another.
There are many things that we cannot control about who we are as a person, and we should not be judged, ridiculed, or otherwise made to feel inferior.
No one is meant meant to be exactly the same as anyone else. We are meant to be different, unique.
Acceptance of who we are as people, acceptance of who others are, leads to love, kindness, and hope. Which leads to some amazing things. If only we just take the time to understand that everyone has their own unique journey, that is meant to be lived to the fullest.
Every life is worth living, if we just take the time to see the worth, and to accept each other for the beautiful, flawed beings that we are.
Accept people for who they are, and the world may just be a better place to live in.