So, without further ado, here is my list of 101 Things in 100l Days:
Start Date: Friday, July 1, 2016
End Date: Friday, March 29, 2019
- Post a video on YouTube
- Buy a full size (4/4) violin, and play it regularly
- Get a job I will love
- Get my driver's license
- Buy a Wii and Wii Fit
- Attend a Zumba class
- Get my baking/pastry degree
- Go on a Joni and Friends Retreat as a STM
- Go horseback riding
- Be in a loving relationship
- Get/start photography degree
- Clean up & redecorate bedroom
- Start, keep up an essential oils routine
- Make and stick to a regular workout routine
- Improve my posture
- Learn sign language
- Learn to sew
- Buy a DSLR camera
- Have a picnic with friends/family
- Hand write letters to friends and send them
- Go on a photo shoot with me in front of the camera
- Go on a photo shoot with me behind the camera
- Make at least one new friend a year
- Dye my hair blond
- Take a cooking class
- Get a second ear piercing
- Get nose pierced
- Attend a Bulls game
- Donate unwanted clothes, accessories, books, etc.
- Watch all seasons of Lost
Watch all seasons of Downton Abbey (finished watching this before I finalized this list, so I changed it to another show)Watch all seasons of Hawaii Five-O- Watch all seasons of Game of Thrones
- Swim with dolphins
- Unsubscribe from all unwanted email lists
- Make sweater for dad (knit or crochet)
- See the Bean in Chicago
- Go to local Farmer's Market
- Make a vision board
- Read the entire Bible
- Make at least one loaf of bread from scratch
- Get certified in First and and CPR
- Leave 101 inspiring messages
- Grow out my hair really long
- Go for a walk (up to thirty minutes each) 5 times a week
- Host at least one game night
- Get a new bed and bed frame
- Get better at cake decorating (a LOT better!)
- Take a one week vacation from Facebook
- Create/update resume
- Buy a laptop
- Learn how to juggle
- Take a picture of each letter of the alphabet
- Learn how to apply makeup
- Visit Navy Pier again
- Put together and send as many shoebox presents as I can to Operation Christmas Child
- Become fluent in Italian
- Volunteer at a local animal shelter
- Go to an Andrea Bocelli concert
- Eat at seven new to me restaurants
- Blog every day for one month
- Take a trip by myself
- See a live musical
- Make homemade gifts for friends/family
- Relearn and become fluent in Spanish
- Learn to grill
- Take a self-defense class
- Create a list of 50 things I love about myself
- Learn how to tie a tie
- Decorate a picture frame for a Father's Day gift, and give it to my dad
- Get a facial
- Start drinking tea on a regular basis
- Go to a h.s. football game
- Participate in an Escape Room adventure with friends/family
- Buy a new bike helmet
- Buy a new pair of roller blades (my dad threw out my last pair, which were STILL GOOD)
- Do at least one thing out of my comfort zone
- Get my eyes/vision rechecked
- Buy something from Etsy
- Go ice skating again
- Go to bed by midnight
- Wake up by 9 am
- Try one recipe a month from Pinterest
- Try one craft a month from Pinterest
- Try five new foods
- Go on a mission trip
- Get down to my goal weight, and maintain it
- Make pulled pork
- Go paintballing
- Start and maintain a dream journal again
- Visit Lincoln Park, Brookfield Zoos
- Visit Springfield, Illinois
- Visit 3 states I've never been to
- Get a credit card
- Try archery
- Go to Medieval Times
- Visit the Shedd Aquarium again
- Buy good running shoes
- Host/have a Friendsgiving at least once
- Get new glasses
- Get rid of my acne for good
- Create another 101 in 1001 list