Monday, June 27, 2016

101 Things in 1001 Days

I heard about this a while back. I read a few blog posts from people who made their own lists of things they want to do in 1,00l days (or 2.75 years). I was immediately on board in making my own list, and took a few days to think about what I really wanted to do in that amount of time.

So, without further ado, here is my list of 101 Things in 100l Days:

Start Date: Friday, July 1, 2016
End Date: Friday, March 29, 2019

  1. Post a video on YouTube
  2. Buy a full size (4/4) violin, and play it regularly
  3. Get a job I will love
  4. Get my driver's license
  5. Buy a Wii and Wii Fit
  6. Attend a Zumba class
  7. Get my baking/pastry degree
  8. Go on a Joni and Friends Retreat as a STM
  9. Go horseback riding
  10. Be in a loving relationship
  11. Get/start photography degree
  12. Clean up & redecorate bedroom
  13. Start, keep up an essential oils routine
  14. Make and stick to a regular workout routine
  15. Improve my posture
  16. Learn sign language
  17. Learn to sew
  18. Buy a DSLR camera
  19. Have a picnic with friends/family
  20. Hand write letters to friends and send them
  21. Go on a photo shoot with me in front of the camera
  22. Go on a photo shoot with me behind the camera
  23. Make at least one new friend a year
  24. Dye my hair blond
  25. Take a cooking class
  26. Get a second ear piercing
  27. Get nose pierced
  28. Attend a Bulls game
  29. Donate unwanted clothes, accessories, books, etc.
  30. Watch all seasons of Lost
  31. Watch all seasons of Downton Abbey (finished watching this before I finalized this list, so I changed it to another show) Watch all seasons of Hawaii Five-O
  32. Watch all seasons of Game of Thrones
  33. Swim with dolphins
  34. Unsubscribe from all unwanted email lists
  35. Make sweater for dad (knit or crochet)
  36. See the Bean in Chicago
  37. Go to local Farmer's Market
  38. Make a vision board
  39. Read the entire Bible
  40. Make at least one loaf of bread from scratch
  41. Get certified in First and and CPR
  42. Leave 101 inspiring messages
  43. Grow out my hair really long
  44. Go for a walk (up to thirty minutes each) 5 times a week
  45. Host at least one game night
  46. Get a new bed and bed frame
  47. Get better at cake decorating (a LOT better!)
  48. Take a one week vacation from Facebook
  49. Create/update resume
  50. Buy a laptop
  51. Learn how to juggle
  52. Take a picture of each letter of the alphabet
  53. Learn how to apply makeup
  54. Visit Navy Pier again
  55. Put together and send as many shoebox presents as I can to Operation Christmas Child
  56. Become fluent in Italian
  57. Volunteer at a local animal shelter
  58. Go to an Andrea Bocelli concert
  59. Eat at seven new to me restaurants
  60. Blog every day for one month
  61. Take a trip by myself
  62. See a live musical
  63. Make homemade gifts for friends/family
  64. Relearn and become fluent in Spanish
  65. Learn to grill
  66. Take a self-defense class
  67. Create a list of 50 things I love about myself
  68. Learn how to tie a tie
  69. Decorate a picture frame for a Father's Day gift, and give it to my dad
  70. Get a facial
  71. Start drinking tea on a regular basis
  72. Go to a h.s. football game
  73. Participate in an Escape Room adventure with friends/family
  74. Buy a new bike helmet
  75. Buy a new pair of roller blades (my dad threw out my last pair, which were STILL GOOD)
  76. Do at least one thing out of my comfort zone
  77. Get my eyes/vision rechecked
  78. Buy something from Etsy
  79. Go ice skating again
  80. Go to bed by midnight
  81. Wake up by 9 am
  82. Try one recipe a month from Pinterest
  83. Try one craft a month from Pinterest
  84. Try five new foods
  85. Go on a mission trip
  86. Get down to my goal weight, and maintain it
  87. Make pulled pork
  88. Go paintballing
  89. Start and maintain a dream journal again
  90. Visit Lincoln Park, Brookfield Zoos
  91. Visit Springfield, Illinois
  92. Visit 3 states I've never been to
  93. Get a credit card
  94. Try archery
  95. Go to Medieval Times
  96. Visit the Shedd Aquarium again
  97. Buy good running shoes
  98. Host/have a Friendsgiving at least once
  99. Get new glasses
  100. Get rid of my acne for good
  101. Create another 101 in 1001 list