Sunday, December 30, 2012
My New Hair Cut
Well, I finally got my hair cut. I have been needing one for a long time now, and now it is done. I prefer long hair, but I am loving my new hair cut.
The ponytail in the bag is a donation to Locks of Love, which I will be mailing this week. I love donating hair to them, and this will be my second time doing this.
I haven't had short hair in a long time, so this will get some getting used to, but I love how it looks. I can't wait to donate again, even though it'll be a few years before I can do it again. I wish hair didn't grow so slowly.
I figured I would get my hair cut for the new year, as my first ''change." Another change I want to work on is becoming more outgoing. I really hate being as shy as I am, and it's frustrating when I want to say something, but it's too painful for me to actually say it.
So, I want to work on that too.
Well, that's all for now. More to come later.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
A Heart for Adoption
The priest at today's mass told us about an American soldier who was on duty in Iraq, and visited an orphanage in his free time. He had befriended a boy there, who had cerebral palsy. After a while, one of the sisters there told him that the boy would soon be too old to stay at the orphanage, and had to be moved to one ran by the government.
The man was attached to the boy, and had decided to try and adopt him. I have been wanting to adopt for years (this is a HUGE dream of mine that I hope is fulfilled someday), and hearing stories like this makes me want to adopt even more. Especially children with disabilities.
I wish I could adopt every orphan in the world, but I know that is impossible. I do want to have biological children too (2 boys and 2 girls), but adopting is a bigger dream of mine.
To me, it doesn't matter where the child is from, as long as I can give them a home, and a family. That is the best thing to give a child. A life. And that is what I want to do for as many children as possible (and as many as I am allowed to adopt).
I read a few blogs by people who have adopted children, and are in the process of adopting more. In reading their posts, I see how much joy is brought to the family with each new addition, and all the love.
That makes me wish to start a family of my own someday. I am at the age where I'm thinking about marriage and starting a family more and more, and hoping that it happens soon. But, I'm not in too much of a hurry at the moment, since I am going back to school, and I want to focus on that first.
Though, I can't wait for the moments to come, when I become a wife, and then a mother. Those are the two biggest moments that would give me the most joy and happiness. I absolutely love children.
Well, that's all for now. More to come later.
The man was attached to the boy, and had decided to try and adopt him. I have been wanting to adopt for years (this is a HUGE dream of mine that I hope is fulfilled someday), and hearing stories like this makes me want to adopt even more. Especially children with disabilities.
I wish I could adopt every orphan in the world, but I know that is impossible. I do want to have biological children too (2 boys and 2 girls), but adopting is a bigger dream of mine.
To me, it doesn't matter where the child is from, as long as I can give them a home, and a family. That is the best thing to give a child. A life. And that is what I want to do for as many children as possible (and as many as I am allowed to adopt).
I read a few blogs by people who have adopted children, and are in the process of adopting more. In reading their posts, I see how much joy is brought to the family with each new addition, and all the love.
That makes me wish to start a family of my own someday. I am at the age where I'm thinking about marriage and starting a family more and more, and hoping that it happens soon. But, I'm not in too much of a hurry at the moment, since I am going back to school, and I want to focus on that first.
Though, I can't wait for the moments to come, when I become a wife, and then a mother. Those are the two biggest moments that would give me the most joy and happiness. I absolutely love children.
Well, that's all for now. More to come later.
New Year's Hair Cut
I have decided that I will get a major hair cut this weekend, for New Year's. I need to get rid of the split ends, and I also wanted a change.
Although I prefer long hair, I like short hair too. I will be donating my hair to Locks of Love, and the bulk of the length of my hair will be going to that.
I have been wanting to do this for ages, but just never got around to actually doing it. I donated to Locks of Love about 4 or 5 years ago, and have wanted to do it again.
Locks of Love is an amazing organization, and I love what they are doing. I can't wait to get this haircut (this is a rare thing for me to say, since I do NOT like getting them).
I can't believe New Year's is only 3 days away. Where has the time gone? 2012 has been a pretty good year overall. Nothing bad has happened, which is nice.
I hope 2013 is going to be a great year. Especially with me going back to school. This haircut is perfect for going back, since I haven't been back in a couple years. I actually miss school, which is something I may have never said before.
I finally found something I enjoy doing, so school is more enjoyable for me. Before I took time off, I was getting straight A's in my classes, which I don't think I have ever done before.
I am looking forward to these new changes, and I hope more come along (good changes, of course). I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season, and I wish you a happy and safe New Year!
Although I prefer long hair, I like short hair too. I will be donating my hair to Locks of Love, and the bulk of the length of my hair will be going to that.
I have been wanting to do this for ages, but just never got around to actually doing it. I donated to Locks of Love about 4 or 5 years ago, and have wanted to do it again.
Locks of Love is an amazing organization, and I love what they are doing. I can't wait to get this haircut (this is a rare thing for me to say, since I do NOT like getting them).
I can't believe New Year's is only 3 days away. Where has the time gone? 2012 has been a pretty good year overall. Nothing bad has happened, which is nice.
I hope 2013 is going to be a great year. Especially with me going back to school. This haircut is perfect for going back, since I haven't been back in a couple years. I actually miss school, which is something I may have never said before.
I finally found something I enjoy doing, so school is more enjoyable for me. Before I took time off, I was getting straight A's in my classes, which I don't think I have ever done before.
I am looking forward to these new changes, and I hope more come along (good changes, of course). I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season, and I wish you a happy and safe New Year!
Friday, December 28, 2012
Eight Months of Volunteering
It has been eight months since I started volunteering at the library, and I absolutely love it. The people I volunteer with are awesome, and the people I deliver materials to are great.
I am so thankful that I got the opportunity to do this volunteer work. I have met some wonderful people, and it gets me out of the house every Friday.
Because of this volunteering opportunity, I have come out of my shell a little, and am talking a little more to people, which I really needed. I've been wanting to become more outgoing for a while now.
This holiday season, I have been given money, cards, and sweets to celebrate the holidays. It was really nice, and I love how the patrons we deliver to say that they really appreciate what we do for them.
I can't believe it has been eight months already. Time has passed by way too fast. But I enjoy what I do, and hope to do this for as long as I can.
Well that's all for now. More to come later.
I am so thankful that I got the opportunity to do this volunteer work. I have met some wonderful people, and it gets me out of the house every Friday.
Because of this volunteering opportunity, I have come out of my shell a little, and am talking a little more to people, which I really needed. I've been wanting to become more outgoing for a while now.
This holiday season, I have been given money, cards, and sweets to celebrate the holidays. It was really nice, and I love how the patrons we deliver to say that they really appreciate what we do for them.
I can't believe it has been eight months already. Time has passed by way too fast. But I enjoy what I do, and hope to do this for as long as I can.
Well that's all for now. More to come later.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Merry Christmas!
For those who celebrate, merry Christmas! I hope it is filled with joy, peace, and enjoyment!
Yesterday, my dad and I went to my sister's house to celebrate. My brothers had to work, so they couldn't come (I think they should have gotten the day off). My niece and nephew absolutely loved their presents, which was great.
We decorated some Christmas cookies (stockings, snowmen, gingerbread men, and candy canes), which I absolutely love doing. I am an avid baker, so baking and decorating cookies are right up my alley.
My sister and brother-in-law made a dinner of tortellini (my favorite pasta!), sauerkraut, rolls, and pork. It was a really good dinner. We opened presents afterwards. I got a DVD (the second Anne of Green Gables DVD), and a Caribou Coffee gift card.
My niece and nephew played with their presents after opening them. I had fun.
When we got home, my dad, brothers and I opened up some more presents while watching A Christmas Story, which is one of my favorite holiday movies.
I got the second and third Hunger Games books, the Hunger Games cookbook (yes, there is such a thing), a gift card to Barnes and Noble, some Ghirardelli and Godiva chocolate, The Hunger Games DVD, Breaking Dawn Part 1 DVD, and a CD by Jonathan Antoine and Charlotte Jaconelli (they were finalists on Britain's Got Talent).
I didn't get everything on my list, but that's fine with me. I'm happy with what I got. Yesterday was a great day, spent with the ones I love.
Today, my dad and I went to our church's Christmas mass. It was really nice. I found out afterwards that one of the volunteers from the library goes to the same church I do, which is awesome (I volunteer at the library, and the people I volunteer with are really nice people).
When we got home, my dad saw that I got a Christmas present from a neighbor family I am friends with. They gave me some Ghirardelli chocolate (yep, more chocolate!), a Christmas mug with a snowman on it, bath stuff, and a couple combs and a brush. These things will definitely be getting some use in the future.
Either this week, or next week, I am planning on getting a haircut, and donate some hair to Locks of Love. If you aren't familiar with them, Locks of Love makes wigs out of donated hair, for children with serious illnesses, who lose their hair.
I absolutely love organizations like Locks of Love. They make people feel good about themselves, when they are sick. It is so amazing what they do. I donated hair once, about 4 or 5 years ago. My hair grows fast, which I like.
Even though I love long hair, and don't like getting hair cuts, I would get a hair cut if I can donate to organizations like this.
Well, that is all for now. I hope you have a wonderful, blessed holiday season!!
Yesterday, my dad and I went to my sister's house to celebrate. My brothers had to work, so they couldn't come (I think they should have gotten the day off). My niece and nephew absolutely loved their presents, which was great.
We decorated some Christmas cookies (stockings, snowmen, gingerbread men, and candy canes), which I absolutely love doing. I am an avid baker, so baking and decorating cookies are right up my alley.
My sister and brother-in-law made a dinner of tortellini (my favorite pasta!), sauerkraut, rolls, and pork. It was a really good dinner. We opened presents afterwards. I got a DVD (the second Anne of Green Gables DVD), and a Caribou Coffee gift card.
My niece and nephew played with their presents after opening them. I had fun.
When we got home, my dad, brothers and I opened up some more presents while watching A Christmas Story, which is one of my favorite holiday movies.
I got the second and third Hunger Games books, the Hunger Games cookbook (yes, there is such a thing), a gift card to Barnes and Noble, some Ghirardelli and Godiva chocolate, The Hunger Games DVD, Breaking Dawn Part 1 DVD, and a CD by Jonathan Antoine and Charlotte Jaconelli (they were finalists on Britain's Got Talent).
I didn't get everything on my list, but that's fine with me. I'm happy with what I got. Yesterday was a great day, spent with the ones I love.
Today, my dad and I went to our church's Christmas mass. It was really nice. I found out afterwards that one of the volunteers from the library goes to the same church I do, which is awesome (I volunteer at the library, and the people I volunteer with are really nice people).
When we got home, my dad saw that I got a Christmas present from a neighbor family I am friends with. They gave me some Ghirardelli chocolate (yep, more chocolate!), a Christmas mug with a snowman on it, bath stuff, and a couple combs and a brush. These things will definitely be getting some use in the future.
Either this week, or next week, I am planning on getting a haircut, and donate some hair to Locks of Love. If you aren't familiar with them, Locks of Love makes wigs out of donated hair, for children with serious illnesses, who lose their hair.
I absolutely love organizations like Locks of Love. They make people feel good about themselves, when they are sick. It is so amazing what they do. I donated hair once, about 4 or 5 years ago. My hair grows fast, which I like.
Even though I love long hair, and don't like getting hair cuts, I would get a hair cut if I can donate to organizations like this.
Well, that is all for now. I hope you have a wonderful, blessed holiday season!!
Friday, December 21, 2012
Hobbits, Volunteering, and Holiday Fun
I hope everyone is enjoying the holidays this season! I am, which is good, considering the last couple weren't that great.
On Wednesday, I went to see The Hobbit with one of my brothers. It was awesome!! If you like/love the Lord of the Rings series, you will like/love The Hobbit.
I also made the dough for sugar cookies. The recipe I called for was for 2 dozen cookies, but I was planning on giving some to some of the people I deliver library stuff to, as well as giving some to friends and family, so I decided to double the recipe, since two dozen isn't enough.
Yesterday, I baked the cookies (into holiday shapes) while watching a movie (Eclipse). It took me a couple hours to bake it all, but it was worth it. I LOVE baking, so I don't mind how long it took to make the cookies.
Today, I volunteered at the library, delivering library materials to those who can't come to the library. One of the people I deliver to gave me a bar of chocolate from Trader Joe's (it is really good chocolate!), and another gave me a couple dollars, because I was delivering in the cold weather.
This is why I volunteer. People really do appreciate what we do, and we don't go unnoticed. I have been doing this for just about eight months (it will be eight months next Friday). I really enjoy what I do, and the people I volunteer with are really nice, which makes it all the more enjoyable.
On Monday, I am going to my sister's to celebrate Christmas. We are going to have a Christmas dinner, and then open presents. I love seeing her and her family (she is married, with two children, a boy and a girl).
One Tuesday, my dad is making a Christmas dinner, and then we are going to open more presents.
So, all in all, this holiday is good so far. I am happy, and that is awesome!
If you celebrate Christmas, I hope you have a wonderful Christmas, and a safe one too. Don't focus too much on the presents, but on time spent with loved ones. And remember the real reason for the season!
Well, that's all for now. More to come later.
On Wednesday, I went to see The Hobbit with one of my brothers. It was awesome!! If you like/love the Lord of the Rings series, you will like/love The Hobbit.
I also made the dough for sugar cookies. The recipe I called for was for 2 dozen cookies, but I was planning on giving some to some of the people I deliver library stuff to, as well as giving some to friends and family, so I decided to double the recipe, since two dozen isn't enough.
Yesterday, I baked the cookies (into holiday shapes) while watching a movie (Eclipse). It took me a couple hours to bake it all, but it was worth it. I LOVE baking, so I don't mind how long it took to make the cookies.
Today, I volunteered at the library, delivering library materials to those who can't come to the library. One of the people I deliver to gave me a bar of chocolate from Trader Joe's (it is really good chocolate!), and another gave me a couple dollars, because I was delivering in the cold weather.
This is why I volunteer. People really do appreciate what we do, and we don't go unnoticed. I have been doing this for just about eight months (it will be eight months next Friday). I really enjoy what I do, and the people I volunteer with are really nice, which makes it all the more enjoyable.
On Monday, I am going to my sister's to celebrate Christmas. We are going to have a Christmas dinner, and then open presents. I love seeing her and her family (she is married, with two children, a boy and a girl).
One Tuesday, my dad is making a Christmas dinner, and then we are going to open more presents.
So, all in all, this holiday is good so far. I am happy, and that is awesome!
If you celebrate Christmas, I hope you have a wonderful Christmas, and a safe one too. Don't focus too much on the presents, but on time spent with loved ones. And remember the real reason for the season!
Well, that's all for now. More to come later.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Monday, December 17, 2012
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Angels of God
Taken before your time
By a senseless act of violence
Shot at school by a gunman
Innocent lives taken
By a troubled man
Family, Friends, Classmates, Community, Nation
All shocked
Life will never be the same
For those affected by this tragedy
Our hearts and prayers go out
To those of Newtown, Connecticut
wonder why something like this
Would ever happen
Especially at a school
But we may never know the answer
But we do know
That those who were killed by this man
Are now angels of God
Living in Heaven
We all will move on stronger than ever
And we will never forget what happen
Nor will we forget the children and adults
That are now in Heaven
By a senseless act of violence
Shot at school by a gunman
Innocent lives taken
By a troubled man
Family, Friends, Classmates, Community, Nation
All shocked
Life will never be the same
For those affected by this tragedy
Our hearts and prayers go out
To those of Newtown, Connecticut
wonder why something like this
Would ever happen
Especially at a school
But we may never know the answer
But we do know
That those who were killed by this man
Are now angels of God
Living in Heaven
We all will move on stronger than ever
And we will never forget what happen
Nor will we forget the children and adults
That are now in Heaven
Support for the Connecticut Shooting
I got the information for this from a friend's blog, but for some reason, when I posted about it, it didn't work very well, so here is the link to her blog, if you would like the information on the Day of Blogger Silence that she posted about.
Please, please, please help. This is very important. Thank you.
Please, please, please help. This is very important. Thank you.
Blogger Day of Silence
To The Blog World and Anyone Else Who Wants to Help,
Yesterday, tragedy struck so many of us in ways we did not forsee. An elementary school and small town in Connecticut was shattered by a mass shooting. We knew we wanted to help and we came up with this:

On Tuesday, December 18th, there will be a blogger day of silence.
We will post the button and that's it. Please try not to post anything else that day if possible.
We are also raising money that will go to an organization in the memory of this tragedy. The organization is called The Newtown Family Youth and Family Services. Here is the official desciption of the support service we are donating to:
"Newton Family Youth and Family Services, Inc. is a licensed, non-profit mental health clinic and youth services bureau dedicated to helping children and families achieve their highest potential. NYFS provides programs, services, activities, counseling, support groups and education throught the Greater Newtown area.
We can't imagine how they must be feeling, especially this close to the holidays. We would love for you to spread the word on your own blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Let's make a difference and use blogging in a positive way. Thank you in advance for participating.
The Blog World
p.s. If you would like to copy-paste and repost any part of this, please do. Share on.
Yesterday, tragedy struck so many of us in ways we did not forsee. An elementary school and small town in Connecticut was shattered by a mass shooting. We knew we wanted to help and we came up with this:

On Tuesday, December 18th, there will be a blogger day of silence.
We will post the button and that's it. Please try not to post anything else that day if possible.
We are also raising money that will go to an organization in the memory of this tragedy. The organization is called The Newtown Family Youth and Family Services. Here is the official desciption of the support service we are donating to:
"Newton Family Youth and Family Services, Inc. is a licensed, non-profit mental health clinic and youth services bureau dedicated to helping children and families achieve their highest potential. NYFS provides programs, services, activities, counseling, support groups and education throught the Greater Newtown area.
We can't imagine how they must be feeling, especially this close to the holidays. We would love for you to spread the word on your own blog, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Let's make a difference and use blogging in a positive way. Thank you in advance for participating.
The Blog World
p.s. If you would like to copy-paste and repost any part of this, please do. Share on.
Friday, December 14, 2012
So Sad
I found out today that there was a shooting at a Connecticut elementary school. Around 10 or so children were among those killed.
Here is the story, if you would like to read more about it. Please pray for those affected by this horrific incident.
I don’t understand why someone would do such a thing. Especially to children. None of these victims derserve what happened. It saddens me that there are still people like this.
I will definitely be praying for the victims.
Here is the story, if you would like to read more about it. Please pray for those affected by this horrific incident.
I don’t understand why someone would do such a thing. Especially to children. None of these victims derserve what happened. It saddens me that there are still people like this.
I will definitely be praying for the victims.
I Am the Birthday Girl Today!!!
Well, today is my birthday!! I can't believe it's here already. Time went by so fast.
The day has been good so far. I volunteered at the library this morning (which I LOVE doing!!), a few of the library staff and volunteers sung happy birthday to me, I got a couple of birthday cards (one from my dad, and one from one of the other volunteers), I got a few cupcakes from one of the volunteers, and a patron that I deliver library materials to gave me a Christmas card, and $10.
So, it has been a good day so far. I don't know what else I am going to do today, and this weekend. I might go see a movie, though. I haven't decided yet.
I'm at the age now where I don't really need to have a party or celebration, but I will celebrate with friends and family if I think of something to do.
I am not asking for anything for my birthday this year. I don't really need anything. People can get me something if they want, but they don't have to, and I'm not asking them to get me anything.
So, all in all, I'm having a good birthday.
Well, that's all for now. More to come later.
The day has been good so far. I volunteered at the library this morning (which I LOVE doing!!), a few of the library staff and volunteers sung happy birthday to me, I got a couple of birthday cards (one from my dad, and one from one of the other volunteers), I got a few cupcakes from one of the volunteers, and a patron that I deliver library materials to gave me a Christmas card, and $10.
So, it has been a good day so far. I don't know what else I am going to do today, and this weekend. I might go see a movie, though. I haven't decided yet.
I'm at the age now where I don't really need to have a party or celebration, but I will celebrate with friends and family if I think of something to do.
I am not asking for anything for my birthday this year. I don't really need anything. People can get me something if they want, but they don't have to, and I'm not asking them to get me anything.
So, all in all, I'm having a good birthday.
Well, that's all for now. More to come later.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Eager for School to Start
This past Friday, I went to school, to get things sorted out. I had a counseling restriction to take care of, which I did take care of. I then signed up for one class, Nutrition, and it is all paid for now.
I am only taking one class in the spring because I haven't been to school in a long time (for personal reasons), and I wanted to slowly get back into a school routine. I might take two classes either in the summer or fall semester, and work from there.
Even though I love the holidays, and always look forward to them every year, I actually wish they were over already, and that school has started. This is the very first time I like school, and am looking forward to it, so saying that is very rare for me.
My major in school is Hospitality, focusing on baking, which is why I am taking a Nutrition class.
It will be weird being back, since I haven't been to school in so long, but I am ready to be back. I need this.
The class I am taking is every Thursday from 9 am to 11 am, and it starts on January 24th. I little over a month away. That's too long a wait for me, but I will wait nonetheless.
Well, that's all for now. More to come later.
I am only taking one class in the spring because I haven't been to school in a long time (for personal reasons), and I wanted to slowly get back into a school routine. I might take two classes either in the summer or fall semester, and work from there.
Even though I love the holidays, and always look forward to them every year, I actually wish they were over already, and that school has started. This is the very first time I like school, and am looking forward to it, so saying that is very rare for me.
My major in school is Hospitality, focusing on baking, which is why I am taking a Nutrition class.
It will be weird being back, since I haven't been to school in so long, but I am ready to be back. I need this.
The class I am taking is every Thursday from 9 am to 11 am, and it starts on January 24th. I little over a month away. That's too long a wait for me, but I will wait nonetheless.
Well, that's all for now. More to come later.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
The Holiday Decorations Are Up
Yesterday my dad and I put up the Christmas decorations, and it looks really good. The last couple of years I didn't want to put them up, because I was down. But this year, I was in a good enough mood to want to help put them up.
My favorite decoration is the manger we have. I'm not sure how old it is, but it's probably 30 years old, maybe. I absolutely love it, and I hope I can keep it for myself someday. It has the three wise men, Mary, Joseph, the baby Jesus, another man who I'm not sure what he is, and a few animals.
I am planning on putting up a few decorations in my bedroom as well. My sister gave me a Christmas stocking a few years ago, that she made. It is a black and white cow pattern, and I love it. I have it up on my door already.
I also have a couple different mini trees that I will put up soon, and some ornaments to go with them as well. I might put up tinsel if I can find it.
I love seeing all the decorations that are up all round town. People in my town have some really cool stuff, and it's fun looking at all of it.
On Christmas Eve, we are going to my sister's place, to celebrate. I love visiting her and her family. She has two children, a boy and a girl, who I absolutely adore. I love seeing their faces and reactions as they open their presents. It's awesome!
No matter what you celebrate, I hope you have a wonderful, safe holiday season!
My favorite decoration is the manger we have. I'm not sure how old it is, but it's probably 30 years old, maybe. I absolutely love it, and I hope I can keep it for myself someday. It has the three wise men, Mary, Joseph, the baby Jesus, another man who I'm not sure what he is, and a few animals.
I am planning on putting up a few decorations in my bedroom as well. My sister gave me a Christmas stocking a few years ago, that she made. It is a black and white cow pattern, and I love it. I have it up on my door already.
I also have a couple different mini trees that I will put up soon, and some ornaments to go with them as well. I might put up tinsel if I can find it.
I love seeing all the decorations that are up all round town. People in my town have some really cool stuff, and it's fun looking at all of it.
On Christmas Eve, we are going to my sister's place, to celebrate. I love visiting her and her family. She has two children, a boy and a girl, who I absolutely adore. I love seeing their faces and reactions as they open their presents. It's awesome!
No matter what you celebrate, I hope you have a wonderful, safe holiday season!
Friday, December 7, 2012
I Am Going Back to School!!
Today, shortly after I finished volunteering at the library, I went to school to figure out my schedule. I had a counseling restriction that wouldn't let me sign up for classes until I got it taken care of. So, I went to school and talked to a counselor.
Now, I am signed up for one class, Nutrition, for the spring semester. I'm only doing one class because I haven't been to school for quite a while (two years), for personal reasons, and I've been ready to go back for a while.
For the first time ever, I can say that I am excited to be going back. I actually miss being in school, even though I never really did well before, and because I am really shy. Hopefully, I can change all that this time. I don't like getting bad grades, and I don't like being as shy as I am.
After I signed up for my class, I went to the disability services center to apply for a couple services (I have a learning disability, and need help in class sometimes), and the director actually remembered me, even though I haven't been to school in so long.
I was kind of surprised by that, but it was really nice that she remembered me. We talked a little bit after I signed up for services, and then I went home. So, today was a productive day for me.
Well, that's all for now. More to come later.
Now, I am signed up for one class, Nutrition, for the spring semester. I'm only doing one class because I haven't been to school for quite a while (two years), for personal reasons, and I've been ready to go back for a while.
For the first time ever, I can say that I am excited to be going back. I actually miss being in school, even though I never really did well before, and because I am really shy. Hopefully, I can change all that this time. I don't like getting bad grades, and I don't like being as shy as I am.
After I signed up for my class, I went to the disability services center to apply for a couple services (I have a learning disability, and need help in class sometimes), and the director actually remembered me, even though I haven't been to school in so long.
I was kind of surprised by that, but it was really nice that she remembered me. We talked a little bit after I signed up for services, and then I went home. So, today was a productive day for me.
Well, that's all for now. More to come later.
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
My 2012 Holiday Wishlist
I hope everyone is having a wonderful holiday season! I don't really care much about the presents this year, but I made a list anyway, and here it is:
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 for PlayStation 3
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 for PlayStation 3
- Together by Jonathan and Charlotte (CD)
- The Unofficial Hunger Games Cookbook: From Lamb Stew to "Groosling"--More Than 150 Recipes Inspired by The Hunger Games Trilogy by Emily Ansara Baines
- Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins
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Saturday, December 1, 2012
Winter Fest 2012
Today was my town's Winter Fest. They do this every year in December, and it's pretty fun. What happens is you buy a cookie tin, and go to different businesses, where they give you a treat. Including this year's fest, I've done this for the past four years or so.
They also have carolers, music, and of course, Santa. A couple times, I've gotten my picture taken with him. I don't know why, but I LOVE Santa! I guess I'm a kid at heart. This year's fest had a magician performing as well, and a girl scout troop singing songs. That was pretty cool.
A friend of mine and his mom went to the fest as well, so we hung out while doing the cookie walk. When we were done, we went to Subway for lunch. I had a chicken and bacon ranch melt with pepperjack cheese. It was good.
While I was with Santa, one of the people I delive library materials to had come over, recognized me, and asked to take a picture of her with Santa. I wasn't really expecting to see anyone I knew there, apart from my friend, but it was nice seeing her.
I love that my town has these sorts of gatherings. It's a lot of fun, and it brings people together.
I am looking forward to Christmas this year. Spending time with family, food, movies, music, and presents. Always a lot of fun.
I was going to put some pictures in this post, but for some reason, the photo upload thing isn't working, so as soon as I figure things out, I will post the pictures I took from today's Winter Fest.
Well, that's all for now. More to come later.
They also have carolers, music, and of course, Santa. A couple times, I've gotten my picture taken with him. I don't know why, but I LOVE Santa! I guess I'm a kid at heart. This year's fest had a magician performing as well, and a girl scout troop singing songs. That was pretty cool.
A friend of mine and his mom went to the fest as well, so we hung out while doing the cookie walk. When we were done, we went to Subway for lunch. I had a chicken and bacon ranch melt with pepperjack cheese. It was good.
While I was with Santa, one of the people I delive library materials to had come over, recognized me, and asked to take a picture of her with Santa. I wasn't really expecting to see anyone I knew there, apart from my friend, but it was nice seeing her.
I love that my town has these sorts of gatherings. It's a lot of fun, and it brings people together.
I am looking forward to Christmas this year. Spending time with family, food, movies, music, and presents. Always a lot of fun.
I was going to put some pictures in this post, but for some reason, the photo upload thing isn't working, so as soon as I figure things out, I will post the pictures I took from today's Winter Fest.
Well, that's all for now. More to come later.
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