Sunday, September 30, 2012

Social Sunday

1. What do you miss most about being a kid?
Recess at school, being a girl scout, less worries, play doh, weekend morning cartoons.

2. Did you have a nickname growing up? What was it?
The only one I know of is Di.

3. What was your favorite thing to do at the recess?
Playing tag, and swinging on the swings.

4. What did you want to be when you grew up?
A police officer, but then it changed to teacher.

5. What was your favorite toy?
This Barbie caravan that opened up along the middle. One of my parents got rid of it after a while, because it broke (I think), and I wasn't happy about that. I'm still not.

6. What was the funniest thing you did as a kid that your parents still remind you about?
Neither of them have reminded me of something I did for quite some time now.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Fill-in-the-Blank Friday

  1. My first memory is having chicken pox when I was a year old, though it's a very vague memory.
  2. My first love is non-existent. Though, I know it will come someday. Hopefully soon.
  3. My very first favorite color was purple, and it still is.
  4. The first time I really felt like a "grown up" was when I started college. I was able to choose the classes I want to take, how many to take, and when to take them. It made me feel like I can do things on my own now.
  5. The first thing I do in the morning is wake up to music, and listen for a while.
  6. The first cd I bought was a Charlotte Church CD.
  7. My first car is yet to be bought. I don't have a license, so I can't really have my own car. I don't see the point of having a car if I don't have a license yet, but I do have a car that I can borrow if I need to, so I don't need me own car for a while.

Happy Friday!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Loving Yourself

From the book Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul Journal

Make a list of all the things you don't like about yourself.

  • My eyes
  • My feet
  • My skin
  • My hair
  • My shyness
  • My lack of confidence
  • My pracrastinator side
  • My impatient side (although I'm getting better with this one)
  • Not being good at math
  • My stage fright
  • My unhealthy eating habits
  • My having trouble sleeping

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Loving Yourself

Last night, I was looking through a book I recently bought, called Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul Journal. It has pages of questions and prompts for you to answer, and they were pretty interesting. Even though I'm not a teenager anymore, these questions and prompts can easily be adapted to adults. I figured I would answer them on here.

The book is separated into categories, and the first one is called Loving Yourself. Here is the first prompt, and my answer to it:

Make a list of all the things you like about yourself.
  • My caring side
  • My love for children
  • My love for animals
  • My crafty side
  • My love for books and writing
  • My sensitive side
  • My love for baking
  • My laid back side
  • The teacher in me
  • My love for helping people, animals
  • My love for travel
  • My compassion
  • My love for photography

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Social Sunday

1. What is something you have wanted to do but are afraid to do?
Take self-defense classes. I'm a very shy person, so I don't like doing things that involve people watching me, while I perform whatever needs to be done. But, I really want to take self-defense classes so I know how to defend myself, and so I can be more outgoing.

2. Where do you see yourself in five years?
Hopefully with degrees in special education and hospitality/baking. Maybe even teaching as well. Or at least job interviews for teaching positions.

3. What are you looking forward to before the end of the 2012?
I am looking forward to hopefully getting my license before I go back to school. I've been wanting to get it for a long time, but things came up that prevented me from getting it. So, hopefully I'll get it before the year is over.

4. What are your hopes for your blog?
My hopes for my blog are that I can write what's on my mind, and hopefully people can help me figure things out if I need help, or get encouragement if I need that.

5. Do you always see yourself living in the same city or town?
No, because I have lived in the same city all my life, and would like a change of scene. But I do plan on visiting every once in a while.

6. What is your morning routine?
I wake up, eat breakfast, use the computer, watch a little tv. And if it is Friday morning, I volunteer at the library, delivering materials to those who can't come for whatever reason.

Have a wonderful Sunday everyone!!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Sunday Social

1) 5 items you can't live without on a daily basis (water, food, shelter and clothes don't count).
Music-it calms me down, relaxes me at night.
My phone-It helps me connect with people who I don't get to see very often.
Computer-same as phone.
My journal-I can write what I can't say out loud, so I don't have to be thinking about something all the time, to the point where it stresses me out.
Books-I can go into a completely different world, if I want to get away from mine for a while.
2) All time favorite book? Why?
I don't relly have a favorite book. There are many books that I really like.

3) Something you'd like to accomplish before the end of 2012?
Getting my driver's license. I've been wanting it for a long time, and I am really to go through the process of getting it.

4) If you could go back and relive one year of your life?
Hmmm....there isn't really a year I want to relive.

5) What do you wish people knew without you having to tell them?
That it is difficult for me to speak up for myself, and that I am well aware of how I look, and of myself. That I am a human being, just like they are. I am not a freak, or stupid, or a creep.

This Past Week's Goings-On

A few things happened this week. First, I dyed my hair an auburn color on Monday. It didn’t come out quite as I expected, but it’s not bad. I’ve never had my hair dyed before, so I had some apprehensions. But, I like it.

Thursday, I went to Walgreens to pick up pictures that I had ordered, and noticed that they had put out their Halloween stuff. So after I paid for my pictures, I went over to the Halloween aisle to see what they had.

I noticed that a section of the stuff was on clearance already, and they had just put the stuff out. I thought that was crazy, but it was nice. I bought some stuff for Halloween as well.

I also went to my church’s first crochet class. I have been a knitter for over a year, and have wanted to learn to crochet as well. So when the church was offering these classes, I signed up right away.

The first class went well. I seemed to pick it up pretty easily. I can’t wait to start making things, using crochet patterns. I am a crafty person, so I try to make things as often as I can. I can’t wait for the next class.

Friday, I volunteered at the library, delivering library materials for those who aren’t able to come to the library for whatever reason. I absolutely love what I am doing.

I get to see some great people, who have told me on several occasions that they appreciate what I am doing. It makes me feel good to know that I’m doing something good for others.
I am so thankful to have this opportunity. I’ve been volunteering since May, and I have come to love it.

Yesterday, I went to the Economy Shop with a friend. It is a resale shop that I love. They always have some great stuff, at great prices.

I got a couple skirts, a few tops, a popsicle mold, a lantern decoration thing, a thing of fabric, and some wrapping paper. I’m happy with everything I got. I hope I get to go to the next sale. I always love seeing what they have.

After the sale, I went to church with my dad. It was kind of hard to listen to the mass, because a couple kids were being noisy, but it wasn’t too bad. The mother of the children had recognized me from the crochet class, and said hi to me, which I thought was nice.

So, all-in-all, it was a pretty good week. I hope more things happen in the future, because I am bored a lot of the time.

There are a few things I’m planning on doing within the next few weeks. One is to get a haircut, which I really need.

Another thing is to go to school, to get things sorted out, so I can go back in the spring. I am going to continue with the hospitality degree I started, and I also want to add another degree as well. I am planning on also going for special education.

I want to be a special education teacher, because I myself have a disability, and can relate to others in some way. I also love children, so this would be good for me.

I am also hoping to go to the DMV soon, to get my permit. I had something come up, that made me lose interest in wanting to drive. But, now I am ready to get back into it. I want to get my license, so I can be more independent, and so I don’t have to wait for public transportation.

I am also going to start job hunting. Again. I don’t know how many times I’ve applied for jobs in the last couple of years. No one has contacted me about work. It has made me frustrated, and that makes me not want to keep going with looking for a job.

But, I will keep going anyway. I need a job, and soon.

Well, that’s all for now. More to come later.

Friday, September 14, 2012

Fill in the Blank Friday

Happy Friday everyone!!

  1. Right now the weather where I live is cool but nice. It's also sunny and almost cloudless. This is my favorite kind of weather.
  2. The best piece of advice I have ever been given is that I have what it takes to do the things I want to do, and that I shouldn't be afraid to go for it.
  3. My most favorite person in the world is a guy friend who I have known since junior high (12 or 13 years!!). We have gotten together a ton over the years, and I feel comfortable being myself around him. Comfortable to be more outgoing. I am very thankful to have him in my life.
  4. If I were to have a mission statement for my life it would be Never give up, and never let anyone bring you down. Life is precious.
  5. My favorite item in my closet is this pretty black and white flowery dress I recently got at a yard sale. It fits me well, and I absolutely love it.
  6. The best cure for a bad day is a chat with a good friend, a comfortable book, music, and/or a comfortable bed. And my cats.
  7. Today is a beautiful day. I am so thankful to be alive today, and every day I get after this.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful for...

  • My church for the experiences they offer everyone. I am taking a crochet class at church, that starts today. I have been wanting to learn to crochet for a while, and this is perfect.
  • each day that I get to live. I get to experience new things every day.
  • Photography. I get to be creative, to express myself in a way that's comfortable for me. And a way that I love. I am always looking for the perfect picture, in everyday life.
  • My cats. They help me feel better if I am down. They love me no matter what, and love to be with me. They are a joy to have in the family.
  • Parks. I can go there anytime and relax. I love to watch the animals enjoying them as well. I can bring a book, notebook and pen, or whatever I want to a park, and enjoy it.
Have a wonderful Thursday!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Never Forget

Today is the 11-year anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. I can’t believe it’s been that long already.

Why does it have to take a tragedy like this to bring everyone together? People should have been kinder to others anyway.

I was a sophomore in high school when the attacks happened. I remember someone coming in to first period late, and saying that the first tower was struck.

During second period Spanish, my teacher went online to see if it was true, and found out that it was.
My 4/5 period math teacher let us watch the news during class, to find out what was going on. It was scary, and unreal to see the events unfolding.

I still can’t believe that people would stoop that low. I hope no more attacks happen here, or anywhere else. I hate seeing people suffer, and that I can’t do anything about it.

I will never forget the people who are suffering, and those who were lost on that awful day. And those who served, are currently serve, and will serve in the future.

It means a lot that they are willing to give up everything for their country, even though they don’t have to. I hate war, but something needs to be done to ensure that we are always free, and that no one else suffers like this again.

Always remember.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Weekend Fun

I had a pretty good weekend overall. I went to a friend’s block party yesterday, which was fun. We had lunch, played with bubbles, a guy made balloon animals for us (I chose a crazy hat and an alien), there was a bouncy house that had a basketball hoop and a slide, some fun games, music, dinner from a local restaurant, and a bon fire when it got dark enough.

when the bon fire was up and roaring, I had wanted to make s’mores, and my friend’s mom gave us the stuff to make them. I haven’t had s’mores in a long time, and was really happy having them again.

So I had a lot of fun yesterday, and it was good to see my friend again.

Today I went to church, and then went to the library. While I was waiting for the library to open (they don’t open until 1 pm on Sundays), there were some people from the Capoiera dance group thing, performing for us.

I have never seen it before, so it was interesting to watch them perform it. It’s pretty cool. They have classes that you can take if you are interested, and I may take some classes. Here is a definition of what capoeira is, if you want to know what it’s all about.

I wasn’t expecting to see the demonstration, but I enjoyed watching it. All in all, it was a really good weekend.

Well, that is all for now. More to come later

Friday, September 7, 2012

My New Four-Legged Friend

For the past four months, I have been volunteering with the library, delivering materials to those who cannot come to the library for whatever reason. Some of the people I see, some I don’t. With those I don’t see, I just leave the materials by their door, for them to get later.

One of the women who I deliver to has a pug named Gracie, who I absolutely love, and her me. She always comes out to greet me when her owner opens the door. I always look forward to seeing her every Friday, and apparently she looks forward to seeing me as well.

Today, when I came, she greeted me as usual. The woman and I talked for a couple minutes, and as I was leaving, Gracie followed me all the way to the door (they live in an apartment), wanting to go with me. It was so sweet. I absolutely love dogs!

Seeing Gracie and the way she acts with me makes me want to get a dog someday. They are wonderful animals. They, along with other animals, bring a lot of joy to peoples’ lives, no matter what they are going through. And animals love you unconditionally, and no matter what.

I have 2 cats of my own, that have been part of the family for over 2 years. I absolutely love them, and am so thankful that they are a part of the family.

Hopefully sometime soon, I want to volunteer at the animal shelter. I love help;ing animals out, and taking care of them. They don’t ask for anything except love. And an occasional tummy/ear scratch.
Well, that is all for now. More to come later!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Thankful Thursday

I got the idea for today's post from a friend's blog, here. Thanks for the idea!!

I am thankful for:
  • My family. Even though they can be crazy at times, they are my family, and I love them all. I was chosen to be a part of this family, and even though it hasn't always been easy, happy, or fun, I am glad for the chance to call them mine.
  • My friends. They have supported me, loved me, cared for me for many, many years, and I love every one of them.
  • God. He is there for me every second of every day, even if I don't realize it. I can go to him whenever I want, wherever I want, with whatever I want/need.
  • A house to live in. Not everyone is able to have a house to call their own, and that is not right. But I am one of those who have had a house to live in all my life.
  • The pets I have/had in my life. They are/were a source of immense joy in my life.
  • The volunteering I am doing with the library. I am delivering library materials to those who are unable to come to the library, and I am absolutely loving it. The people I volunteer with are really nice to me, as are the people we deliver to. I have been doing this for four months now, and I am so thankful and happy that I get to be doing this.
  • Having the choice to go back to school. Almost two years ago, a major event happened, and I needed to take some time off school to get everything back on track. I am now ready to go back to school, and I am actually excited about school.
  • Blogs, journals, and books. I am a very shy person, except around family and friends, so these things are my friends when I want to say something, or to get away from life for a while. I can get things out of my mind, and onto paper (or screen), and I feel a lot better afterwards.
Have a wonderful Thursday!!